Hey guys this is TCDynasty,
I'm very new to the forum but a long time HU SNG player. Here is a quick video I made of me playing a $50 HU SNG on Full Tilt. Please let me know what you think.
I try to stress feeling out an opponent and adjusting your style early on.
Any feedback would be awesome!
Part 1:
I really enjoyed your video. You explained your decision-making process very well and demonstrated skill at profiling your opponent's general tendencies as well as making some really solid and specific reads. Furthermore, I liked your willingness to highlight errors and suggest alternative courses of action.
You already addressed one of my criticisms in the beginning of the video. I'm just wondering if there are cheaper ways to get reads on your opponent without raising from the BB with a good, but not great holding. Yes, it's cheaper in the early rounds, but it still seems really expensive.
Lastly, on a somewhat unrelated note, I took the time to Sharkscope your stats and noticed you are a really good Omaha player (you have a star on your name for being on the Omaha leaderboard for small/mid stakes). I haven't seen any Omaha videos on this site. Of course, there is a good reason for this as the demand isn't going to be that great given Holdem's popularity. However, I've really wanted to improve my Omaha and Omaha8 game. I used to kill the 5 and 10 dollar Omaha hi/lo sit and go's back in the early days of Pstars (must have been very late 2002 and 2003). However, I'm not certain if I could compete in today's game. Basically, I'm wondering if you'd ever consider doing an Omaha video? I'm sure there are other low limit cretins who'd be interested in your vantage point on beating these low/mid limit games.
Thank you,
thanks for the feedback man.
I will definitely do an omaha vid for you, and an o/8 if you want too. A lot of people don't realize that board textures and good bluffing spots in NLHE can translate to omaha. Also, learning how to bluff effectively and using blockers is a big part of hu omaha, at least in my opinion. I took a break from omaha sit n goes, i ended losing a ton after a really bad run and needed a break. Lots of variance.
Anyway thanks for the reply and I'll get back to you on here with an omaha video and hopefully a better nlhe hu sng video too.
Greetings Robert,
I would be very appreciative if you made an Omaha vid. It wouldn't matter if it was regular Omaha or O/8. I enjoy both games (although I'm better at O8) and would benefit either way. I'm sure there are other Omaha fans on this site who might be interested as well.
I'm curious about the difference in variance between Holdem and Omaha/Omaha8 S&G's (as you mentioned there was "lots of variance"). What factors might make one game more volatile then the other? Did you join HUSNG with the intention of becoming more competitive at Holdem because of Omaha's high variance? I'm just curious as I was taken aback by your good stats. But then again, I joined this site as a -4% or -5% loser at HUSNG's. So just winning is impressive to me. I hope my questions aren't too probing. I look forward to seeing more of your posts and/or vids.
Thank you,