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Thomajo's picture
FT $6 Turbo - Min re-raise on flop by TAG

Villian is TAG, and (for my standard) has been playing solidly. What to do after his flop min re-raise? Thanks!  $40/$80 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBVillain$1390.00  SBHero$1610.00  Effective Stacks: 17bb Pre-Flop ($120.00, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to $160.00, Villain calls $80.00 Flop ($320.00, 2 players) Villain checks, Hero bets $240.00,  Villain raises to $480.00, ...   

happy's picture
 you say he plays solid , so

 you say he plays solid , so when he does this i think its highly dependant on how you have played. but looking at it i'd  jam pre with only 17BB.on the flop only options i can see is jamming or folding, because if we call then the pot is 1290 and there is 720 behind on the turn i think i'd fold if hes "solid" and tagish only worse hands i he can have here is A4, A2, 33, 55

Laroutchezxz's picture
I jam pref. Played like that

I jam pref. Played like that , I have problem too. I hate putting him on a single hand (J)but I think we have to. The fact that he haven't rehove on your minraise make me think about J8s-QJo type hand. I dont think he can have a draw based on his small check raise size. TAG tend to bet like this for value imo.Maybe a coach will disagree with me, I just tried to give my own point of viewDavid 

RyPac13's picture
I would suggesting having

I would suggesting having very good reads if you're folding to this flop minraise.Even tighter players tend to play back on boards that they FEEL you don't often hit, and a minraise is often the sizing you'll see.Jamming pre is OK too, I'd like it better with something like 22 or 33, there's still usually a lot of value with 66 in minraising this deep.

Laroutchezxz's picture
...Nice  ,I clearly

...Nice  ,I clearly understand and agreethe main difference between open jamming and min raising 44-66 at 17 BB depend a lot of villain style imoTAG  =(someone who certainely reshove decent amount) I think its better to min raiseLAG =min raise too or jam if very looseLPass = JamTPass =???? at the moment , I jam but.... not really sure abouts differents aspect