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SUPERS1CK's picture
general question -,-

hi everybody.) whats your opinion on playing hu sng together with some grindig format like 45man or 50/50 for example ? i play this format (husng) almost 2month, i saw many videos and read many articles, but i dont still beat $6 as I had imagined. i dont give up, but i have doubts :/next my problem is with volume, i onetabling, so i play very little number of games.. so, how fast way your progress? have you ever had (maybe how often) doubts about this format 

RyPac13's picture
- How many games have you

- How many games have you played?- Many players have struggled starting out, and once they "break through" with some profit they don't ever really look back.- Volume, tilt control and focus are the most important things to the pace of your progression.- Switching game types is usually not the best idea, a majority of people that switch sites/game types are taking the "grass is always greener on the otherside" approach and it's most often not.  That doesn't mean you should never switch, if you have a much better deal on another poker site, it makes sense to switch.  If another site is clearly softer (not stars vs ftp, but say small euro network vs ftp, or merge/cake vs stars) go for it, if you have access to better learning material and peers that play another game, make the switch!  But most of the time if the reason is "I'm not doing well" it's not a good reason to switch poker sites or game types.- Everybody has doubts.  The extent varies, but I know players that have made hundreds of thousands of dollars from heads up sngs and they are not very confident in many ways, very insecure and paranoid.  On the other hand I know people that would tell you their piss is worth more than gold and truly believe it.  I think confidence in your game is important, but hardly required (I used to think you had to be confident in your game, but there really are many players out there who believe the games will become too tough for them very shortly, really smart people will come in and dominate their "not so smart" selves etc. and they consistently win big money).- I did say volume is important, but not if you try to add tables to achieve it (not that you suggested that, just pointing it out).  One table as much as you can tolerate, but do make sure you're putting in good games, not tilted/emotional games.

SUPERS1CK's picture

Thanks a lot.-very good advices. i´ve played about only 250 (turbo, non-turbo are borring 4 me - i need an action:) -> maybe my problem? )  games, yes i know it is not good sample, .. but you know, as i said, i saw a lot of  videos unlike most of players on my stakes.my  big problem are imo wrong application things from videos on bad/non thinking  players(most of players on my stakes), i have to do something with that !.)  -hu sng is imho the best form of poker, but you know, probably one of most difficult (i like challenges). i want play this form, but  you know, need some profit sometimes :))-focus - absolutely yes, i need improve my A-game .. (yes,i saw video abotu that)so once more, thank you