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il1keturtles's picture
Getting the most out of videos

Just signed up to HUSNG.com, on the standard membership. How can I get the most possible out of the videos?

lzystar's picture
I would say treat it as a

I would say treat it as a university lecture, dont have any distractions in the background and write notes on what the videos say. Reread the notes at the end of the video to try and understand them better. I would also say rewatch videos the next day or something, i miss so much from just watching the videos once cause theres so much information coming at you. I would also say try and understand why the coatches are saying what they are, its easy to just copy them but understanding why you do something to me is the most important part of being a good poker player.

RyPac13's picture
What kind of heads up sng

What kind of heads up sng experience do you have (buyin level, games, ROI)?  What kind of volume/goals do you have for heads up sngs?

il1keturtles's picture
Well, I started playing

Well, I started playing HUSNG's last month at the $1.10 level, and I beat the 1.10s with an 8.1% ROI over 227 games.After 82 $2.15 HUSNG's, I'm down $12.30, but I've been running bad, and these last two days I've made some decent profits (24% and 39% ROI, over a short sample though), and am on a bit of a comeback. So basically, still learning, I want to crush these $2's, then the $5's, and be playing midstakes by the end of this year (working part time, and at school, plus starting going to the gym tomorrow, so I'm short for time).My volume goal is 250+ games a month, and when I'm on holidays that'll jump to like 500 a month.

RyPac13's picture
I would start by watching the

I would start by watching the beginner and beginner to intermediate videos in the heads up poker video planning guide.I would also try to play a lot of focused poker.  It may mean that you have to play very short sessions at first, to maintain focus and concentration but it's worth it.lazystar's comments are also very good.