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Drogori's picture
Good or bad fold?

Sorry but it was not possible to convert my hands with husng.com hand converter.  

I'm getting this message : An error occurred: Code: 109 Reason: 'XML error: Invalid character at line 6, column 91' 

I'm using PT4. 

Do you guys think that it was a good fold? The villain was open raise all-in in lots of flops and when he slowed down I got confused. 

PokerStars - €2.81+€0.19|50/100 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (SB): 3,240
BB (BB): 2,760 (VPIP: 65.96, PFR: 38.30, 3Bet Preflop: 16.67, Hands: 58)

Hero posts SB 50, BB posts BB 100

Dealt to Hero:

Hero raises to 200, BB raises to 500, Hero raises to 1,300, BB calls 800

Flop (2,600, 2 players):
BB checks, Hero checks

Turn (2,600, 2 players):
BB bets 1,460 and is all-in, fold

BB wins 2,600


RyPac13's picture
Not sure why it's not

Not sure why it's not converting right for you. Can you paste the raw HH here and I will fix up this thread so that we can all see the hand? Thanks.

You can also do that for your other thread and I'll fix that one up too.

cdon3822's picture
People seem to really

People seem to really struggle with the existing instructions.

Suggest checking out this:


Drogori's picture
PokerStars Hand

PokerStars Hand #113125992927: Tournament #879215639, €2.81+€0.19 EUR Hold'em No Limit - Match Round II, Level IV (50/100) - 2014/03/11 22:22:47 CET [2014/03/11 17:22:47 ET]
Table '879215639 1' 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Drogori (3240 in chips)
Seat 2: cspkilla (2760 in chips)
Drogori: posts small blind 50
cspkilla: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Drogori [Jd Js]
Drogori: raises 100 to 200
cspkilla: raises 300 to 500
Drogori: raises 800 to 1300
cspkilla: calls 800
*** FLOP *** [Kh As 6d]
cspkilla: checks
Drogori: checks
*** TURN *** [Kh As 6d] [9s]
cspkilla: bets 1460 and is all-in
Drogori: folds
Uncalled bet (1460) returned to cspkilla
cspkilla collected 2600 from pot
cspkilla: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2600 | Rake 0
Board [Kh As 6d 9s]
Seat 1: Drogori (button) (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: cspkilla (big blind) collected (2600)


adam25185's picture
An interesting hand. I would

An interesting hand. I would have played it a little differently. If your opponent has a low preflop 3bet %age, I would not have 4bet. Instead, I would flat call, and hope to stack off vs AK, AQ etc on a flop with no overcards to your JJ. If your opponent has a high 3bet %age then a 4bet shove is by far the best play. In this case, I think it is much better to take down the pot preflop, since we will need to consider a fold on boards which have ace king or queen cards, and our opponent may not even have these cards.

Drogori's picture
Thanks Adam! He has 3bet =

Thanks Adam!

He has 3bet = 19% in 68 hands. Do you consider that as high or low?


adam25185's picture
That's a fairly competant

That's a fairly competant number, I think. Not too high and not too low. I would err on the side of flat calling.

Drogori's picture
Thank you Adam.  I still have

Thank you Adam. 

I still have the same problem to convert my HHs from PT4. Do you guys know when this will be fixed?