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joeblow's picture
Good sample size for STs

What is a good sample size for STs to know if one can be successful long term? Also, what is a good expectation for ROI if you're able to beat STs successfully? I'm looking for opinions on all levels under $10, which I'm assuming are easier to beat than those once you get above the $10 level. I suppose the theory is even a small positive ROI is worth it because you can play so many more games in an hour than you can regular or even turbo and therefore your hourly might actually be higher (than in regular speed or turbo) because of this, even though ROI may only be 1% or 2%. Am I painting an accurate picture here?Thanks-Joe 

Valuelol's picture
Just try it out at the

Just try it out at the varaince calculator..A winrate between 0,51 and 0,53 is realistic  for the 10 dollar the rake is 0,25  so you need at least a winrate of 0,5125 to break even.i tried it for the 100 where the rake is 2$ and estimated a 1% ROI  --> a winrate of 0,515.  which led me to result from -150 buy ins to + 30 buyins during a 10k Gamesample. if u play 100 a day. you might be not break even after several month although you are a 1% winner.good luck 

cog dissonance's picture
I think you'll have an

I think you'll have an indication after 3k games and a pretty good idea after 5k. I'm not sure what a significant sample would be, perhaps 10k games?

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1

ChrisBroholm's picture
Full Tilt must love the

Full Tilt must love the STs...what a rakemachine