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pbogz1114's picture
Grasping the Fundamentals of HUSNG Poker Part 1

Pbogz  begins the first part his 3 Part Series with a powerpoint presentation where he discusses topics such as mental preparation, how to approach each game, adjusting both in and out of position , when to barrel and closes with a discussion on making sure that you are always improving your game.

TheCleaner01's picture
Turn it up please.

Grandad here can't hear it. 

Go forth and CRUSH !

nunovaz's picture
Nice vid, tks.

Nice vid, tks.

kensungrind's picture
Some guy was posing that he

Some guy was posting that he believe the quality of husng.com was in decline. This is blatant evidence that his view is correct.
I could go into detailed constructive criticism about everything which is wrong with this video, however, since pbogz doesn't bother to specify suits, stack sizes, reads and how barreling and shoving are different options in his quiz, I simply won't bother to go into details either. All i can say is: If you are new to husng's or aspire to become good at husngs DO NOT listen to this guy.

RyPac13's picture
Kensu, I think your comment

Kensu, I think your comment is a bit unfair.
This is a free video, we didn't have free videos before (just short clips for the most part). And you're not talking one bit about our top videos today or even our top videos in 2012, or 2011. You're simply comparing some videos from 2009 to one free video in 2013.
Constructive criticism would be more appreciated.
You're right, his examples could've been more detailed, but we can assume it is not short stacked (his videos are all turbo-reg speed) and given some of these examples the answers are very often the same when having no reads, even at 40-80bb stack sizes.
I do agree that he could have gone into detail. I disagree, though, that it eliminates the value and just makes it a bad video because he did not. It makes it more of a general video and a less specific video, but unless you think his advice is generally incorrect, I think you're being a bit unfair here.

il1keturtles's picture
Hey, nice first part about

Hey, nice first part about mental game, I woudn't say it hasn't been covered but was a nice little segment.
Something I think worth mentioning is even when pbogz arrives at the right conclusion, it's sometimes from a flawed thought process. One example of which is the T63-2 board, he cites its a bad double barrel card (which in general it is, there's of course exceptions but I won't go into that here), but his reasoning was that it makes 54 a straight. That's extremely shallow logic, naming 1 hand out of a wide array of hands as a reason to not barrel.
I also think in general pbogz presents a lot of misinformation, I have watched all of his videos (and played him, and talked on skype) so far and disagree with a ton of stuff he does and the way he thinks about poker. This is kind of like what Mers talked about in his videos about the poker training community, where usually people aren't very willing to come out and say negative things about coaches. I realise I also might be benefitting from this, as I haven't received any poor comments on my videos, but I know this is definitely true with pbogz from my personal, private conversations (people saying negative things about his plays/thought processes but not making them public).

RyPac13's picture
The 2 turn example is OK

The 2 turn example is OK here, but to be honest you're just naming one reason not to barrel that he offered. Not offering more is not being as complete as he could, but it's not necessarily flawed.
I can't help but think you have gotten a little too personal at times, given the % of time focused on Bogz and the lack of in depth and accurately labeled examples free of negativity.
I love when people give feedback, but given your personal history with Bogz (skype, games) and arguments off this site, it does seem you're bringing a bit too much personal stuff into the comments of Bogz videos and it is helping nobody.
That said, it's nothing for anybody to be too upset about, it's just a bit distracting and unnecessary. It's happened before with coaches that do not like each other or war off this site, which is fine, we're a community much more than a team on this site, everything functions better as a community when the game we work on is so competitive in a one on one way.
But just keep my thoughts and observations in mind when commenting in the future, it'll give other users on this site more value as a result.

pbogz1114's picture
Ken, Can you skype me at

Ken, Can you skype me at pbogz1114 plz

View my coaching page.

pbogz1114's picture
I'd also like to add that

I'd also like to add that just because one person doesnt like the video doesnt mean that they are correct! Yes, I didnt specify every little detail but once again I;m making these videos for a wide range of players. Personally, I wouldnt such comments towards a random stranger. But thanks anyways!

View my coaching page.

pbogz1114's picture
hey everybody, I hope you all

hey everybody, I hope you all enjoyed the video. During my Quiz portion of the video I am talking in the sense of what good barrell cards look like along with bad ones. I do not get into depth with what type of opponents I am playing against during those situational hands. If you have any questions feel free to comment or simply just skype me and ask at pbogz1114.

View my coaching page.

lovelydonk's picture
I m the one who critisized

I m the one who critisized HUSNG dot com lately, and to be honest: I m not new to the game, I m a winning player, and ur video refreshed my mind on some concept I didn't care anymore, (I knew them, but to listen to them again on a new video, put them into perspective again and it s quite helpfull) ... ty

lovelydonk's picture


il1keturtles's picture
^I agree completely with

^I agree completely with this.

eazyldurr91's picture
Hello, I watched this video

I watched this video few days ago and I really liked it. I am suprise to come back here and find so many negative comments. Its a free video so its target audience are mostly low stakes grinders like me and that video helped me improved my game without doubt.
Video: I liked it a lot; Winrate: IMPROVED; do not listen to this guy type of comments-B***SH*T; membership: as soon as i fix my cr.card; PBOGZ: hope to see even more in future
I understand that higher stakes players have some doubts about his thinking process, but thats another thing. Personally I am now playing 15s and transitioned from hypers and his thinking process is obviously working for me:) GL guys

There is nothing worse than being average!!!

pbogz1114's picture
Thank you eazy, means alot!

Thank you eazy, means alot!

View my coaching page.

72o's picture
Thank You

Thanks, Pbogz. Looking forward to seeing the rest of this series.
To the guys telling us that this isn't very good, is it at all possible that one of you could make your own free 10 minute video,
showing us good/bad barrel spots? Maybe something in the replayer?
It's just that simply telling us someone (or their vid) is bad, isn't all that helpful if you're not going to go into detail.

exceptrita87's picture
The video is called, "Grasping The Fundamentals"!!!!

I find the personal attacks on Pbogz EXTREMELY offensive. He takes the time and effort to put together a FREE video full of systematic guidelines to winning play, not for the mid or high stakes shark (though they would certainly refresh their memories quite well from viewing his series), but for the player who finds him or herself essentially GUESSING what's right and what's wrong in recurring, FUNDAMENTAL situations. What does he get? Abuse from nearly half of the commentary. Here is Pbogz' updated stats:  1,876   $3.75   $36.92   8.1%   $7,034   84   8% ROI after nearly 2,000 games, amounting to $7k in profit; this player giving advice to confounded players for free, and he receives personal attacks in return? Unacceptable. How can ANYONE not advocate telling players who pay no attention to board texture to pay attention to it? How can the same people FAIRLY say not to listen to anything this player has to say about recommended improvement tactics such as coaching, watching videos, discussing strategy with other serious players; i.e., taking advantage of any resources you may have in order to ameliorate your game? Furthermore, what can be ill-said of advocating a healthy diet and lifestyle, which will, of course, lead to enhanced performance in whatever you do, including poker?I had sought coaching from Pbogz but ultimatelydecided against it because he gives SO much of what he has to offer right here, on husng.com.As for the peabrain who thinks husng.com is no longer worth a damn, give me the link to something better, else stfu.Haters gonnna hate, P: fuck'em. Ryan wouldn't allow you on the site if you weren't top notch, and that's the truth. Take a look at my sharkscope stats (exceptrita87 on the Revolution Network). Started playing again after a two month sejourn only an hour after first viewing this series of videos ;). Thanks so much for all you've contributed to the site, to the players, and to the game in general. You're a role model, an inspiration, AND a gentleman.Ryan, albeit a tough decision, and yours, ultimately, I propose that you delete the comment proposing people not listen to anything Pbogz has to say. This site serves to improve aspiring players' games, and that comment does just the opposite. It in fact DAMAGES not only Pbogz' reputation, but any serious player's game, just by reading it.Thanks a ton.-exceptrita87


RyPac13's picture
It's difficult to decide if a

It's difficult to decide if a comment should be deleted or not. I did have someone edit their comment because it contained a clear attack and was not constructive. I believe I deleted a few others in some of the Bogz video comments too.Some of the criticism about specific hands is correct in my poker opinion, while some things are nit picky (I did respond to some of it myself as well) and some of it is just taking things out of context to critisize.Unfortunately, some of the comments were made by people that have personal issues or feuds with Bogz and the same level of criticism and same low bar to commenting negatively is not extended to the other instructors.I do pride us on having a fairly open community and I don't like having to edit or delete posts (both here and when moderating 2p2). Like I said, some posts were deleted, and maybe some others will go in time, I'm not really sure about how much further (if any) deletion should go.Thanks a lot for the feedback and post, it's appreciated and helpful to me.

pbogz1114's picture

Once again thank you for the feedback. I am just starting to settle in to my coaching, but I would just like to correct you on one thing. My target market is players learning how to play the game of heads up. This is why alot of my videos are grasping fundamentals. Once a get a student past these stages, I do go into deeper levels of thinking, so If you are looking for coaching I would suggest at least giving me a shot. Thank you for the support though. means alot

View my coaching page.

pete3314's picture
Quick question

Just started the video series...nice job so far!
In the video, you talk about recording your own games so you can back and watch/review them. You mention that there are some free programs out there to accomplish this. Can you list a couple of these free programs?
Thanks again!