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adam25185's picture
hands per hour and non-showdown winnings

Dear all

Trying to bust some leaks at 7$ turbos. My ROI is only 6%. Two questions.

Firstly, in my PT4 my hands per hour (single tabling) is around 200. Is this too many? Should I be spending more time on my decisions?

Secondly, PT4 also tells me that, over the past year, I'm losing around 500k chips in non-showdown pots (decent sample size). Whereas I'm winning 1.5 million in showdowns. Is this is healthy balance? Or do I need to avoid having to fold on later streets more, i.e. hero fold flop more and hero call turns and rivers wider?





Berygreab's picture
I think that winning 1.5m in

I think that winning 1.5m in showdown vs. -0.5m nonshowdown is awesome, but I'm surprised that the roi is only 6. Maybe you should show the whole graph with all-in ev included to figure out the bigger picture.

Kalupso's picture
You used too small bet sizes

You used too small bet sizes in January :-p

Post some preflop stats or a screenshot of coffee HUD or similar with your own stats this year. That is much easier to give feedback on.