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tonyzer's picture
harder competition during offpeak hours?

hey guys is it only me or does it seem that the lower the traffic on the poker room your playing on during a certain hour the more regs there are and less fish? 

Barrin's picture
It's true that most fish play

It's true that most fish play dureing the evening and / or the weekend. The fish / regular ratio is even worse in other games.Anyways; you are playing the $3.50 or $7, right? There should be more than enough players you can gain a edge on (weak regulars, recreational players and drunk students)


RyPac13's picture
It's also worth noting that

It's also worth noting that the number of regs also goes down in off peak times.I've seen people give various opinions (and given the wide range of sites and off peak times and buyins, they could all be correct), some people only play off peak because too many good regs attack them during peak times, whereas others say they get regwars more often in off peak.None of this should be of concern if you play under the $60s. There may be regs in $30s and even lower, but players at those levels, even regs, have tendencies you can exploit if you work hard, don't tilt and really study what they are doing.It's when you get into the higher games that it can be more difficult to really breakdown an opponent (but should still not be something to get discouraged over or avoid).