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Roamus's picture
Heads up: SnG and cash games!

Hi everyone,I know its a SnG forums but I would like to ask some questions about cash games:SnG: You can make it a living, but you wont be billionaire like some cash games players, im right? :)SnG: You can sharkscope your opponent to table selections! (yeah!)Cash games: how can we table selections? Is there a way? or maybe the way to play cash games heads up is to outplay regulars? (one word: VARIANCE)These last few days, ive been seriously thinking about switching to cash games, im really tired to lose vs fish/losing players cause I didnt found any nice spot to take all the chips, the blinds are now big and leave us with 10bb left and now have to be on the mode: push/foldCan it be a good idea? If yes: we need atleast 50buy in to play cash game: so 2500$ bankroll... with a bankroll of 700 (yeah im broke... thats called: hello 2k downswing!) how can I grind easily to 2500$ to start up my cash game career? :(ok im a baby I know! just would like to have some answers to keep motivating me :P I know there is no secret in poker.... just trying to find out possibilities! 

RyPac13's picture
The ceiling being higher in

The ceiling being higher in cash games isn't too relevant.Why?Because such a small % of players get to those high of stakes and if a player can get to 100-200 hu cash and stay there making tons of money, he has the same capabilities to beat the 5k husngs (though different skillsets in many ways, the same caliber of thinking and hard working person is required to reach the highest levels).It's also not like the highest husng winners make no money.  Look at the leaderboards for examples of nice yearly profit and don't forget to account for rakeback and multiple site aliases.As far as the negative emotions of a fish tilting you go, you'll run into similar issues in hu cash, perhaps even worse (or less amplified, though I'd doubt that bc of the following paragraph).I hear all the time about guys waiting an hour for action at mid level hu cash, getting a fish that makes a bad play then quits them.  You hear about guys playing 4 hands against you, seeing you raise two buttons then they take off.You'll also get plenty of suckouts, as in any form of poker.It sounds like your issue isn't necessarily from fish getting lucky, but from you handling variance and expecting to automatically win money.  It's not natural for most people to handle variance or to manage to blame themselves for poor results while still having the confidence to play a good volume and continue to progress and learn.  Often you see guys have success that pretend they play perfect poker and everything they do is great and everything other people do is bad.  Those guys don't have a lot of "omg I suck, omg I'm bad" moments, but they hit their peak once they reach a level where they can no longer identify their own leaks due to self ego.  A severe run of bad luck and major downswing is often the only way they improve further than the average player at this point.My advice would be to focus on improving your decision making, as anybody can plainly see the advantages of being a better player.  After all, you'll win more if you get it in as a 60-40 favorite than as a 55-45 favorite and the smallest reduction in leaks can have a tremendous impact on your success, which makes the bad variance easier to handle.Hu cash, husng, any other form of poker or poker room is not the answer.  I've seen many players, students, peers, players stronger than I and so on tell me why they are moving from say Stars to Cake or Full Tilt to Ipoker or from cash to sng or from $100 to $115 and so many times it's just a false belief that their luck will be better elseware or that the same variance won't happen to them elseware.  It can make sense to change up for a fresh change or something new, but don't expect anything to be drastically different in regards to variance, it's just as likely to be worse in hu cash.Bankroll sounds thin for cash, $50NL hu is raked pretty highly, though action should be easy to get.  I'd stick with sngs, where you can comfortably play $10-20s with that bankroll and a very low risk of ruin if you can move down and/or are a winning player (or soon to be winning).  At 50NL even a solid winner can go on a run that breaks his 15 buyins or so.

dzikijohnny's picture
Get the book Cincinnati Kid

Get the book Cincinnati Kid the last chapter is all about handling a bad beat badly. (Not the movie)

qattack's picture
Wow Rypac, great discoussion!

Wow Rypac, great discoussion! I would like to add a few personal experiences...I have been playing one form of poker or another for most of my living for 14 years now.  My last few years have been spent mindlessly mass tabling cash (16-24 tables) and SNGs (up to 38 tables continuous registration, which didn't turn out too well, lol).About three years ago, I moved from two-table SNGs to 6 max cash in search of higher profit potential. Indeed, I experienced some success, but the variance along the way really got to me sometimes. I literally never had a terrible downswing in three years of SNG play. In cash, it happened frequently. For some reason, the variance seemed much, much greater.Additionally, my 6-max poker coach moved into playing HU cash earlier this year. He was extremely successful at 6 max cash games, and could manage to get solid reads on players with eight tables open. He says HU a lot more profitable, but as Rypac suggested, you need to search for the fish and sometimes when you do find them, they will play until about the time you start developing solid reads on them and then quit. He also said the variance is huge.From personal experience, if you looking to get away from fish that get lucky with their drawouts, cash is not the answer. If anything, I think cash can be worse. Besides, you should be loving those lucky fish. They are ones that will feed your bankroll. I know it doesn't seem that way after they float an A92 flop with T4o and hit trip tens, but it's true.

dzikijohnny's picture
Great old post from 2+2

53%: 2.5BB/100, you make $10/hr54%: 7.5BB/100, you make $30/hr55%: 12.5BB/100, you make $50/hr56%: 17.5BB/100, you make $70/hr57%: 22.5BB/100, you make $90/hr58%: 27.5 BB/100, you make $110/hr     Insane_Steve Pooh-Bah     Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: spiting 2009 Posts: 4,670 Re: ***** Beginner's Questions Thread ***** Quote:

Originally Posted by skweek  the most profitable between:2 tables husng 100$ (30 per days)2 tables nl100 hu nl cash game?

Ok, assuming that you can play 10 HUSNGs per hour and 400 hands of cash per hour, that's about 1200 hands in the time it'd take to play 30 HUSNGs.It depends on your relative winrates for each game. Let's say you win, on average, 58% of your SNGs that you play. You'll average $330 a day for your 3 hour session, meaning you have to make $110/hr or 27.5 BB/100 hands to make more at cash. Here's a small table of win percents at $105 reg speed HUSNG and their equivalent winates at 100 NLHE under these assumptions:53%: 2.5BB/100, you make $10/hr54%: 7.5BB/100, you make $30/hr55%: 12.5BB/100, you make $50/hr56%: 17.5BB/100, you make $70/hr57%: 22.5BB/100, you make $90/hr58%: 27.5 BB/100, you make $110/hrIn general, it depends on your relative winrates. If you make 10BB/100 at cash, you need to win more than 54.5% of your HUSNGs to make SNG better, for example.