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TeeGee's picture
help for a newbie - Bankroll

My question is regarding bankroll.  Early on I won $ on HUSNG's, then weht to 6max tables and lost - many times.  As a result, my poker traker is showing dismal results. I won't even discus Bovada.

I have decided to commit to HU and avoid 6max (even though I love 6max) for obvious reasons.  Can someone help me with bankroll - I'm on a fixed income and have about $250-300 a month MAX  to play poker and/or purchase coaching.  June is already shot so I have to wait to the end of the month.

I'm sure this is such a newbie question, I hope I don't get laughed at.  Everybody had to start somewhere, right?  Any direction on bankroll would be so helpful. I do want to make it clear I'm COMMITTED.  I've got pokertracker, joined HUSNG, downloaded ICMIZER, bought gordon gekko's courses, and do spend all spare time studying video's, reading books, anthing I can get my hands on....my spare time revolves around poker; I truly love it.

Anyone with a helpful plan on bankroll regarding HUSNG's would help.  I"ve only played $2/$4 on Merge, because I'm terrified of getting killed in higher stakes. Thx in advance.

Barrin's picture
Are you looking for BRM

Are you looking for BRM advice or for staking?
If you are looking for BRM advice you should let us know what kind of HU SNG you play (Hpyers, Turbos, Normal speed...)
If you are looking for staking, you should post here: http://www.husng.com/forums/general-strategy-forums/free-poker-bankrolls-rakeback-and-staking-forum


RyPac13's picture
I agree with Barrin. And if

I agree with Barrin.
And if you're looking at playing $2 or $4 HUSNGs, I would say you can play the $4s with a $200-300 bankroll, and if you get down to $150 early in the month or $100 late in the month, move down to $2s (assuming you have $200-300 per month to use as your bankroll).
You have enough tools with those videos and software, so you don't need to buy anything additional now. You could also read the free Mersenneary ebook and watch some free videos in our free videos forum, but really try to play a lot of games and stick to the $2 or $4! You could very well be a good player that just simply tried to do too much in 6 max and lost his bankroll. If you're winning in the HUSNGs, make sure to stick to the right levels.

TeeGee's picture
should clarify....

I am looking for BRM advice and I play normal speed and  some super turbo's.  The problem is - I'm throwing in $20 here and $40 there and when I add up the totals at the end of the month; I'm shocked at how much I've lost .
I have a feeling I should put in a larger amount (on payday) and work from there.  I have grown $20 to $200 a few times so that's my reasoning but it's not working anymore. I just don't know how most people manage their bankrolls, so looking for general guidance.  I do have Mersenneary ebook, in fact I'm re-reading it today.
"You could very well be a good player that just simply tried to do too much in 6 max and lost his bankroll".  Rypac I think this is true.  Ive put alot of training effort into HU only to turn to 6max and bust.  (Damn but I love 6max). HU feels like a war tho, and that's exciting - but not so much when the deck is throwing you 83o all night long (like last night).
Thx so much for advice.
Addon:  just started reading Mersenneary and noticed a nod to "ChicagoRy".  Being the reasonably smart person I am, couldn't help buy notice the Ry in Rypac.  I'm also in Chicago.  If you EVER want to take on a student/sweat help who's disabled with only a computer for fun, I'M YOUR PERSON!!!

RyPac13's picture
I'd of been happy to take you

I'd of been happy to take you up on an offer like that and at least do a leakfinder video together, but I moved to Denver last summer.
A few other thoughts though:
- I think you have to make a decision: Heads Up or 6 max. You're not happy with your results, you seem to really want to improve your results, the easiest way to do that is to pick a game and dedicate your time and efforts into that game.
- Regarding the 83o, you really have to see things in a bigger picture. Sharkscope guys like SkaiWalkurrr, top players like that. You'll see, they've made tons of money in the long term, but they've also had short term bad streaks, sometimes streaks thast last awhile. And that's the very best! You have to really focus on what the best decision is in each hand and commit to making that best decision, not making an emotional one or a frustrated one. A great day might be losing 5 buyins instead of 6 or 7. You could be destined to lose 5 buyins if you play your best, and if you would've tilted you might've lost 6 or 7. Similarly, maybe you run hot one day and have the potential to win 9 buyins, but you play terribly and only win 6. You might feel good about winning 6 buyins, but you only won 2/3 of what you could so you really did worse than if you kept that down day to -5 buyins. Think about poker that way. You'll never know if you really maximized your play that day, all you can do is keep focusing on making the best decisions and you'll be doing nearly as good as you can.

TeeGee's picture
need to think about your response

I need to think about this before I make any decisions - but overall thoughts on running hot/cold made me stop a bit.  TY for the offer to review a leakfinder video.  I'll search for one - but truthfully?  I'm still not sure of all the power of PT4 and how to make things work so give me a moment.  I'm at a place where I have a lot of tools at my disposal but not sure how to make them work to my advantage.
EmtionallY?  It''s 6max.  But even in 6max HU skills help; and I'm told HUplay can increase your bankroll.  I'll think about it, do some more studying, but frankly, my gut screams 6max.  However, my efforts into training and  potential for increasing my bankroll tells me to at least work hard on HU then if all goes well, I can reward myselft w/6max.  Sort of like getting your homework done before a twinkie is my thinking.
I would like to send a leakfinder video once I can figure out how to do that but not sure where to send it. Leave that up to you and thank you KINDLY for taking an interest in someone who is working at it.