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RyPac13's picture
Help Us With Feedback

This is optional, but if anybody has a few moments in the near future, posting your thoughts about our site here: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/101/coaching-advice/official-husng-lau... on our 2p2 coaching thread is a good way to give future members some feedback before purchasing subscriptions to our site.  It also allows our thread to be better viewed (the rules do not allow us to bump our thread but once every few weeks or so) and since the feedback from our site has thus far been very positive, it can only help bring new users to the site, which in turn brings added revenue that will lead to better and faster improvements to the site.

Of course I'd like to see positive feedback, but if you have a gripe with the site and have posted it here already, feel free to give any constructive feedback that you wish.

Thank you.