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lakong's picture
HEM Data question

I have HEM, have tons of user data, now i am looking for someone who can help teach me the in's and out's of interpreting that data and how to use it to my benefit. Willing to pay a bit for this info. Hit me back with contact info if you are interested. 

RyPac13's picture
I would also suggest

I would also suggest contacting coaches directly if you're looking for professional advice.Otherwise, you may find somebody that doesn't coach that can give you some insight for a lower price or even free, but you'll find more variance between the quality of advice that you receive.And if you don't mind sharing your data a forum post about this would be a good idea.  If nobody knows your ID I can't imagine that sharing your database stats could be used in any way to hurt you in actual games, so that's something to think about.I personally don't use HEM enough to feel comfortable offering pay services to analyze the data, but would be happy to reply to a public post with the data, I may not be an expert on the HEM data but I think I could give you some sort of value (and I'm sure some others around here could as well).