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murava's picture
higher buy-in vs lower buy-in

Hello everyone,Forgive me if this question has been asked before, but I am very curious to have this resolved.Is there any benefit to playing a lower buy-in vs a higher buy-in? Such as, for example, perhaps lower risk from playing a lower buy-in.Also, I'm not sure if this is true, but I've heard you will generally make about 1.5x as much at one buy-in higher then a lower buy-in, t/f more risk playing higher.Or, perhaps, ideally you should be playing as high of a buy-in as possible(with an equivilently sized bankroll)?Another reason why I think this question needs to be resolved is because perhaps for some people they are financially unable to support playing a higher level, so t/f need to rely on lower levels to make their income.Lets assume the player is a solid winning player, is he missing out on a lot of profit from playing a lower level?Any thoughts or ideas on this topic would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!

Barrin's picture
Good question. Personally, I

Good question. Personally, I have been enrolled for the $60 Turbo HU SNG (50BI+++) but since I have been new I have never felt comfortable playing this limit from the very start. The point is, that you will make mistakes. And the earlier in your hu sng 'career' the more mistakes you probably will make. Learning on a cheaper BI level makes mistakes less expensive.Also, there is not much diffference in playing fish on the $7 to the $15 to the $30 to the $60.......but playing regulars on the $7 and the $60 is a completely different story. So, you shall learn on a level which is approviate. You can learn on the $7 how to play most regs on the $15 (quite simular) and the same is true for $30 to $60.Then of course it is a question of BANK ROLL MANAGMENT and fish : reg ratio getting worse the higher you raise in the BIs.Last but not least: it is possible that a player who beats the $60 with a 5% roi will have only a 1% ROI on $100 level and therefore would make much more money by playing the $60.Then of course there is allways peters principle (you can google that)


FCDplayer's picture
Great post Barrin. I don't

Great post Barrin. I don't agree only with your definition of beeing rolled with 50BI+ for Turbo. I've done some simulations(ROI 3) and there are almost in every graph swing with -50BI so probably to feel comfortable 100-150+ is more likely. Thanks for Peters Principle also, that's interesting observation.

Barrin's picture
If you are being enrolled or

If you are being enrolled or not is pretty much up to a single question: are you willing to move down, if necessary? If yes, you can have a 10 BI BRM. If you are a regular earning the living with money and you do never wanna want to move down / need to cash out regulary you ofc do need another BRM
