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caribboy's picture
HM and Sharkscope Stats

Hello again, to get more infos I use recently Sharkscope. Sharkscope put me after 1000 games playing Superturbos on Titan (1-5US$) ROI 2.7, avarege winn 0.32, average buyin 3.22 and 61 I dont really what that means because on HM I have a 10.2 ROI. Which of this stats are accurate enoght to know where Iam actually stand. Ok I palyed sometimes when I feel good higher Buyins to figure out whats going on in the middle stakes but that maybee 1 or 2 games and really seltom.
Hope thats not a too stupid question for you guys. Thanks

Barrin's picture
Obiviously avg. bi: 3.22 and

Obiviously avg. bi: 3.22 and $/game = 0.32 does not allow an ROI of 2.7% over your avg BI. I would guess that sharkscope calculates the ROI how it is and not based on the avg. BI. This means that if you have a low sample size and a high ROI on the $5 but a high sample size and a negative or really low ROI on the $1 SNG your effective ROI can be low while the $/game based on the avg. BI still can be correct.I would asume that you change to the filters to BI levels (filter for $1 then for $3 and then for $5 - whatever the BI level is.......) and see if you somewhere have high ROI and somewhere low ROI and if there is a big difference in sample size.


caribboy's picture
Stats are higher as sharkscope value

Thanks for you answer . I reset last month my stats with sharkscope and after that I played about 1060 games with this stats as mention before (340US$ winns). HM gives me only the total amount of games which i have played on Titan.1U$-6.6 ROI after more 1000games,2US$-6.5ROI after 1300games,5US$ 2.8ROI after 228 games,21US$-32ROI after 13games,31US$-90ROI after 6 games,100US$-90ROI after 1game.The 30 and 100US$ I played before the reset on Shark. Thanks again for your help