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jeanmarc101's picture
Hmmmm how low under your EV are you supposed to be !!!

Just wondering if its normal and its just a bad downswing but i'm running 30 Buy ins UNDER my EV graph, That is not even regarding the million on times I had 2300 chips him 700 blah blah I shove with best hand and he ends up wining and finally card dead and he gets to go all in again with worst hand and still wins.So counting all that I must be around 40 buy ins Under.So I'm just wondering if its normal that variance hits your ass so damn hard in HUSNG??? I used to play 6Man Cash where variance gets you for a few buy ins but this is kinda retarded, I'm really not trying to exagerate when i'm saying im running 40 buy in below EV. Anyone else have those bad streaks?Anyways thanks for anyone responding to this topic I know theres alot of threads like this. But felt after losing 10 buy ins tonight after playing my A game and just not able to keep my 80-20 or 70-30 to hold would be nice to complain just a little bit :D 

richinbabylon's picture
I've played about 500 HUSNG

I've played about 500 HUSNG and have been running about 10 buyins under ev so I have yet to hit a real negative variance stretch like you have, but I'm sure it'll happen to me in the future.  I figure crazy variance is just the price of admission in HUSNGs.  So to answer your question, I'm sure everyone who has played several thousand games will have hit a downswing like you.By the way if your using Holdem Manager it calculates your ev graph based on every all-in so your running 30 not 40 buyins under ev. 

bubi's picture
Just as Rich said, you are

Just as Rich said, you are running 30BIs under, it includes all the all-ins during every game.I have been running 30 BIs under EV in just 500 games and now I am 25 BIs over EV on a higher buyin level :-))So just keep grinding mate, you will get it back...

jeanmarc101's picture
Atleast in encouraging

Atleast in encouraging hearing that other people have gone threw the same thing!! but its frustrating it affects my game a bit too, I was reading alot of pro say the the best way to fight it is to play more so you get threw the hard times.... But gosh played another session and added -5 buy ins under EV, this is rough!Guess this is one of the harder parts of poker is dealing with this thing!

RyPac13's picture
It's not going to help to

It's not going to help to constantly look at results or ev results.Think of it this way.  If you look at your results after every session and play 60 sessions a month, you'll probably only win 35-40 sessions out of 60.  You'll feel "OK" after wins, but feel like crap after losses.If you do it daily, maybe you win 18 days out of 30.  Same thing, 18 "ok feelings" and 12 "bad feelings."  The bad outweighs the good for almost everybody, especially those that can't help checking the results.Now, if you check your results once a week, maybe you win 80% of the weeks and when you lose during a week it's not nearly as bad of results on average compared to winnings.  Now it starts to balance out, the 80% "a bit above average feeling" versus 20% "bad, but not terrible" feeling.Once a month result checks... you could win 90% of months. The point is, the longer you can hold off to check results and analyze them, the happier you'll be.This is all assuming you're a solid winning player.  The #s I quoted were just examples, are not correct but are likely in the neighborhood of what some solid winners should expect.This is a good challenge in emotional control.  Once you get into the habit of not constantly checking results and stats, you'll find it much easier not to be obsessive or care about bad variance so often.

Roamus's picture
I dont use any poker tool,

I dont use any poker tool, (only sharkscope) and I dont know if im running under EV (I dont know at all about EV haha) but just sharkscope me on full tilt poker (Roamus) youll see that Ive got some sick swings... so yeah some days poker is a true bitch, my last game I stack the guy first hand, he still have 30 chips left and double up with worst hand everytime and get to 1900 chips, I still won, but I have to admit that I felt the tilt in my brain... after a game like that I prefer to take a break, play some starcraft 2 or come in this forum to complain hahahaha cause this will affect alot your futur games...something I find funny is people who say that I dont have a big "selfcontrol" or that im not a "patient guy" haha... I think people who dont play poker doesnt understand well how frustrating it can be sometime... my dad say that im not a patient guy but he always get tilt driving car, I would like to see him losing hundreds of $$$ while knowing that he should have made hundreds of $$$... people just cant understand poker before they realy tryed to make poker their living...positive thinking is the best, when you lost a hand that you should have won, dont say yourself that you got owned, tell yourself that HE got owned :) thats what my friend keep telling me haha

Ivetka's picture
I totally agree with rypac's

I totally agree with rypac's opinion and kinda try to do the same thing. The problem is that I am not sure i play well enough since i've just started to grind HUSNG. Right now i am running 25BI -EV for 150 games and my EV graph shows that my ROI would have been 5%. Can this be trusted enough that I play well? If it's not for EV what can be other measure of the quality of your play?

Roamus's picture
EV < Reads

EV < Reads

jaymzz's picture
At rypac: Thanx for the clear

At rypac: Thanx for the clear comment!