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fuseo's picture
Hokiegreg Question

I guess this questions can really only be answered by hokie, but I'm still interested to hear what others have to say. Any way...If you were playing full tilts turbos, instead PS turbos, would you still start the game opening the button to 3X?Thanks very much in advance.

tomo66's picture

it is the general consensus between ftp turbo regs that 3x is bad.3xing at shallow stakes can be easilly exploited by good players by 3bet shoving a wide range. ofcourse we do not have to worry about being exploited by most players and can play our hands optimally but in general most players will notice if u 3x big hands and MR less than premiums.by MR we can raise a wider balanced range from the button and dictate the size of the pot using our positional advantage. you will find that bad players fight more for bigger pots and against a lot of players you can just MR and cbet a lot.

fuseo's picture
Tom, the point of my question

Tom, the point of my question is more to see if hokie is 3xing in ft and ps turbos at the same effective stacks. I'm pretty sure hokie is 3xing from the button 50bb at ps , which is where ft turbos start. Ofcourse hokie is adjusting his open as stacks decrease so that's not an issue.

I can't remember but he may change to 2.5x at 50bb, either way is he keeping the same pfr sizes?

RyPac13's picture
I'll let Hokie answer more

I'll let Hokie answer more detailed, but I know he adjusts preflop sizing to opponents and has worked on a loose rule model previously (kind of a 3x @ x stacks default, 2.5x @ x stacks and 2x @ x stacks, but always considering opponent first and foremost).He can expand and answer fully though.