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Tudoncete's picture

Hi Everybody!

Whenever I start a new session, I like listening to a small audio as a warm up. After that, I open Sharky and play a two-table session for a period of one and a half hour. After this period I use to take a fifteen to twenty minutes break. What do You think about my set up? Am I missing something important?

I would like to ask You two more questions:

1) Do You guys use any kind of stop loss? I would like to set a limit, but, How can I do it without continually looking at the cashier?(Actually I use an application to            hide it)

2) When is it better to review my games? Just after the session ends, or, another day?


Thank You Very Much for Your answers.

RyPac13's picture
You can try a frustration

You can try a frustration stop loss. If you can honestly say "I feel pretty frustrated right now" you can then quit.

Some days I'd feel shitty after losing 5 buyins, some days I'd feel fine losing 20. We're emotional sometimes, and if we can recognize it, we can modify our stop losses accordingly and be far more efficient.

This relies on you being able to recognize when you're frustrated though. If you can't do that, you can either do a straight up stop loss of 10-15 buyins, or you can do a hybrid version.

Something like "take a 20 min break after 10 buyin losses"  "take a 30 min break after 20"  "quit after 30" could also work (just an example, you can modify the buyins).

You could also try to recognize when you feel upset, but have an overruling 20 buyin stoploss. That way, if you feel frustrated but are down 3 buyins, you can quit for awhile, don't feel like you need to continue when upset (but also don't quit forever, you need to clear your head, get into a better mindset, then play again... playing a lot is important).

Tudoncete's picture
Thank You Very Much RyPac. I

Thank You Very Much RyPac. I will work on that "frustration stop loss". I need to work hard on the mental part of my game.
