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Muzyczny's picture
How to become a winning player?

I feel bad. I lost all the money for an absurd play. How do I deal with this? I played well, but unfortunately lost. I want to be a professional and I know that a very long way to go before me play at stakes $ 1.5 and $ 3.5 was very worried about how to lose. Maybe it wrong that I'm tied to money. What is the best way to achieve success in husng? I met a friend who tells you how to play these limits, you get hit. My hands start to all couples, K6S, Q7s, J7s, 108s, 97s, K8 + Q8 + J8 +, 109 + all the aces. I'm not a donk, I think how I play, but sometimes emotions take precedence. I need this knowledge in order to become the best.

metonezajima's picture
I think you should read Mers

I think you should read Mers book first.  http://www.husng.com/content/husngcom-presents-free-mersenneary-heads-up...
You will get some info about how to aproach this game and how to learn it. Whats important and why. Being tight in general is not the way to play heads up even on micro stakes. You will find a lot of free videos here on the site, so try to watch them and learn everything you can. The more you get in to the basics you will be able to handle all the unluck involved I think. Its important part of the game and when you know you are doing things right its easier and easier to get over it. Just be aware that HU is the most fun but also the game where swings are huge and short term result will be very disappointing from time to time. Make studing and getting better your goal to start with. Its all that matters if you want to succeed in poker. 

cdon3822's picture
Build a technical edge & stay mentally strong

Some realities you need to accept:
- Most poker players are losers
- Poker is a game of SMALL profit margins and LARGE variance in returns for winning players
- Your profit in the long term will be equal to the size of your edge over your opponents minus the size of the rake in the games you play
- Your edge comes from charging more than fair value for your opponent's equity in pots and from buying your equity in the pot for less than it's fair value
- Equity shares are generally not binary (despite many players playing the game this way): with exceptions being where one player cannot be beaten and of course at a showdown on the river.
- If hands were exposed, poker becomes a mathematically solvable game which in equilibrium, no player would have an edge and everyone would be a loser due to the rake.
- Ironincally, the randomness of poker is where good players find their technical edge but it is also the source of the largest mental leaks. 
There are therefore, broadly two areas which you need to develop in order to be a winning player: technical & mental.
Technical skills (how well you play the game):
- Estimating your equity in the pot against your opponent's range of hands.
- Understand how actions conditionally affect your opponent's range of possible holdings ("hand reading")
- Maximise your expected value, incorporating into your decision:
=> Opponent's exploitable tendencies
=> Value of position
=> Strategic adjustments at different effective stack depths
Mental skills (how well you deal with the realities of poker):
- Dealing with bad beats
- Staying focused enough to play technically well
- Dealing with the LARGE variance relative to your SMALL profit margins
- Playing well when you're running bad
- Bank roll management (not playing in games where you don't have an edge or  that you are not adequately bank rolled for)
- Accepting that you're probably not as good as you think you are

cleed72's picture
break it down

way to break it down- thanks for this