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Neurism's picture
How to convert

Probably simple but how do you convert someones ROI to their winrate?

Barewire's picture
Generally the way to go about

Generally the way to go about it is like ROI = winnings - losses / investment  investment = (buyin + rake)  losses = (buyin + rake) * (1-winrate)  winnings = (buyin - rake) * (winrate) So in the simple case of $100 games with $5 rake we have: ROI = (95*winrate - 105*(1-winrate))/105 = (200*winrate - 105)/105 And we can flip this equation around to get:105(1 + ROI)/200 = winrate Generalizing: (Buyin w/ Rake)*(1+ROI) / Prizepool = Winrate(Prizepool*Winrate - Buyin w/ Rake) / Buyin w/ Rake = ROI Cliffs:You pay the buyin+rake every game to realize your expected percentage of the entire prizepool (equal to prizepool*winrate). Dividing this by your intial investment (buyin + rake) gives you a return on investment!

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Neurism's picture
Thanks for the reply I will

Thanks for the reply I will save those equations for future reference.

Jess "Neurism" Farmer