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Nossrep's picture
How do i decide wich coach to use??

Hi. Im thinking about using one of the coaches in here, but im not really sure who is best for me.A little about me. l've been playing for about 3-4 month. Currently playing on Stars at stakes 3,7,15 $ Reg. speed and Turbo. Im BE atm.Im already using a coach, but i like to get opinions and my game viewed from more than one.I have been looking in the coaching cat, but i cant really decide, so i hope someone can help me. If its one of the coaches or just someone who have used on particular coach, let me know.Postflop play is prob one of my biggest leak playing regs. And i play more regs on stars that what im used to on other sites.  

happyham's picture
I have had a video leakfinder

I have had a video leakfinder from 2 coaches and a handhistory review/skype session with another, and I learnt something from all 3.  I do think any coach will benefit you, and a lot of it is how much you choose to absorb, and then APPLY.  Knowledge is nothing without application. Having said all that, I DO think that phmerc's offer of a handhistory review / introduction session here http://www.husng.com/content/phmercs-heads-up-coaching-mid-high-stakes-regulars was great for me.  For $50 you cover a lot of ground at the fundamental level which, if you're currently at the low stakes will DEFINITELY help you.  Its advertised as mid-high stakes, but I think that someone like yourself will find this the most cost efficient coaching at your level. I also strongly reccomend a standard membership to view videos of the coaches playing at the low stakes.  It certainly helped my game.  The videos may not apply directly to your game, but you begin to learn the reasoning to 'why' they make certain decisions in certain post flop spots, which can be universally applicable to anyones game.  

http://happyham1986.blogspot.com/ - Please support/follow my journey through the levels in HUSNG.

RyPac13's picture
If you haven't watched any

If you haven't watched any videos, at least subscribing to the $25 standard membership option and taking a look at a few videos from each of the coaches that offer leakfinders (PHMERC, fydor, rypac, hokiegreg, barewire, anybody else I'm forgetting off hand) would be a good place to start.

PHMERC's picture
I also did a FREE $300

I also did a FREE $300 leakfinder that you can check out for my student Cambell-Gee

Nossrep's picture
Im gonna watch some vids

in the next couple of weeks, and see who i might think would be the better one for me. PHMERC: I can see that its a 300 $ game. I would meen that the difference between 15$ games and 300$ games is big. Or am i wrong?  

PHMERC's picture
Def but I think the thought

Def but I think the thought process I explain can be used in any stakes and I do explain some spots for fish (the game was vs a reg) which will be closer to your $15 games. It's all about how your poker mind works/adapts to different situations. Check it out, see what you think.

Nossrep's picture
Just watched the vid.

Pretty cool vid i must say. You explain some good things, no doubt about it. But im not sure how much you can use it against must of the guys i play on these stakes. Dont really know how much they actually thinks during the game. I see some really wacked things, playing against aggro eastern europeans. :-)That kind of players a normally play straightforward. Where i run into trouble, is when i sometime meet a thinking player, who CR most dry boards that i lead on, do alot of 3bets pre and constantly attack me when i check. I feel like im to exploitible and im the one who is "answering" all the questions in the game, instead of getting the pressure on opponent. Hope it makes sence. If not just ask away, and ill try to axplain better. :-)