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Tullaris's picture
How do you handle/interpret expected EV graph in HEM?

I just need to spew a little since I know the sample is small and variance is high bla bla bla ;)

With a sample of 180 5+0.25 SnG (I know the sample is small) I Have a profit of $40 and a ROI of 5% but when i look at the EV branch i have 11.3% and a $100 profit so i must be running seriously bad. It sort of tilts you when you keep on loosing 70%, 80% and 95% all-ins all the time.
I have so easy to tilt when i get to a litle more than 2:1 advantage and the loose an allin where I am about 70% advantage, to a runner runner or inside straight draw (to a call to a 70-75% pot bet from my side).

Should or can I interpret this EV graph as I at least ain't playing to awfully wrong and that I am doing at least something wright?

beatmeupaa's picture

Well I would not say that the EV is 100% correct, but I would say that it is a nice indicator for a general trend and definitely showing you if you are running good or not.