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How does it look?

Hi everyone, I started playing HUSNG this year, but I think it was just this month that I actually understood how to make it work but I still don't understand EV calculations. It seems odd that for Feb my EV line is above my Actual Chips Won line, but when I set the graph to the whole year, the EV line is below Chips Won for the whole period.Here goes the graph for this month (I only play after work, so I don't have much volume):http://s9.postimage.org/m2n1sielb/Chips_Won_over_Tournaments_Played_for_...(Also, does this mean that I have been running below EV this whole time?)(OFF: I tried using the <img> tag but it didnt work.)And here is my 2013 graph:http://s7.postimage.org/634b3snkr/Chips_Won_over_Tournaments_Played_for_... I know that during Jan I played poorly and did no game selection at all, but I don't think the EV line should be that low during the last games which were played in Feb.

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