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Bored Social's picture
How fast should I be moving up?

I played 100 games at the 6.25's at a 15% ROI... Moved up to the 11.50's and am now  66 games in running at 16% ROI... I know these aren't meaningful sample sizes- but I feel that I'm significantly better than the competition so far.I'm EZ game rolled to play up to the 34's atm.To be really clear my strategy is to play 100 games at each level and move up assuming my ROI is 10+.

kingcobra's picture
You don't even need a ROI

You don't even need a ROI that high to move up, as long as you're over 5 then go for it.

dzikijohnny's picture
Your samples are tiny but,

Your samples are tiny but, you know that.  If you have the bankroll for it you may as well go for it.  A lot depends on what your other poker experience is.  I switched from 9 man after playing thousands of them so I have a lot of hu experience even though I have played only about as many husngs as you have.  

kingcobra's picture
Those people at full table

Those people at full table SNG's suck so badly at HU though :)  It's good experience though.  I remember when I first made the switch and I thought well this should be a walk in the park, started out at $105 then I found out well maybe I should drop down a bit for now until I learn more LOL.

dzikijohnny's picture
I was never that good or

I was never that good or played that high.  I switched to husngs because I like the hu part so much.  I was playing Regulars so we would often have 20+bb deep.  I found this site looking on sharkscope and seeing the button by Croix...I wanted to join but couldn't afford it till they changed the prices.