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cidrex's picture
How i can get a leakfinder review?

Hi,I have subscribed for a month to HUSNG, how i have to do to have one leakfinder review?

Barrin's picture
This is not part of the

This is not part of the subscription. You can go to the coaching section and buy a review from a coach who offers to do so. Leakfinder videos usually are reviews which you agree to be publiced as video on HUSNG, and therefore you get some discount - compared to the 'private' review.


RyPac13's picture
Sometimes coaches will also

Sometimes coaches will also do leakfinders complimentary (or as part of contests). You'll see those announced on the forums, news or blogs when it happens, but nothing specific is going on at the moment that I am aware of.

dhcg86's picture
you also dont have to do a

you also dont have to do a public leakfinder; they are very effective ways to get personalized coaching and I highly recommend them

lovelydonk's picture
hi Cidrex, I have a blog and

hi Cidrex, I have a blog and would love to do a leakfinder on it to build some contents. 

chaosad's picture
hi, you still make leakfinder


you still make leakfinder videos?