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psyko's picture
How to make a video?

Hey HU players, I have been playing HU poker for almost 3 years on a hobby plan, and cant say im winning, so I wanna change that, so I want some coaching, but I dont know how to make a video, while im playing? so the coach can find my leaks? Can anyone help, maybe a name on a program?BTW, the vidoes on this forum is awesome, but sometines there are being used words, like c-bet (took me while to realise what thas means) and "jamming" (I stil dont know what that mean). Are their a list on this site, where their is a explanation of the different words used in poker language?.Many thanks for your help, and sorry for my bad english.

_dave_'s picture
Jam / Jamming / Shove = raise

Jam / Jamming / Shove = raise all in Popular programs for making a video are CamStudio (free) and Camtasia (30 day free trial)