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hiromasa's picture
how many games a day?


how many games do you play per day guys?

And what is the average for people who wants to do it for a living.

I play 20 games a day at 5$.

Barrin's picture
As many as possible.

As many as possible.


hiromasa's picture
yeah... But do u have an

But do u have an average number?

I've lost several battles, but I've decided to keep on fighting.

metonezajima's picture
I just would not look for

I just would not look for average number. If you decide to play x games you end up playing way more games than you should when you are not playing your A game and reversely when you feel great and thinks are going well why would you stop? Especially when you seem to be new to this format I dont think its a great idea to stick to playing x games/day no matter what. set yourself volume goals when you start to feel good about your game and you know what youre doing. 

TheCleaner01's picture
The Answer

The Answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything
is 42.

Go forth and CRUSH !

Barrin's picture
Not to forget that it is one

Not to forget that it is one of the worst starting hands in NL Hold'em Poker!


hiromasa's picture
I've read the "HSR

I've read the "HSR weeklyreport #23" and looking at the top player stats gave me an idea of how many games these players play by day/week on average.
2nd times I ask a question on this forum and get a vaguely   "it depens" answer.
Maybe my questions are vrey dumb.
Or maybe I should buy a package before asking any question...

I've lost several battles, but I've decided to keep on fighting.

Micici's picture
On average a game lasts 2-4

On average a game lasts 2-4 minutes at the low stakes  so that is around 15-30 games per hour for 1 tabling, double if your 2 tabling etc. So it all depends on how many hours you are able to stay focussed and want to play. You get vague awnsers because as your beginner its probaly not the best idea to focus on volume goals and more on improving as a player. Its better to play 20 games a day and analyze your game (post hands and or ask questions) then to click buttons for 8 hours a day.

metonezajima's picture
be aware that hypers take

be aware that hypers take much shorter time over turbos. You dont get it depends answers because we dont want to tell you, you get those because they are much more relevant. when I was not playing fulltime I was able to play 30 to 45 turbos a day but I play much more when I feel good and way less or not at all when I am tired or tilted from whatever stuff in life. really how many hands you play will always be dependent on something :p