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Xerxes's picture
How many tables do you normally play?

Just wondering what the subject states.  If people dont mind, please post what stakes/speeds/tables you normally play and your thoughts on that specific number.I personally am playing the 11.50 turbo speeds on FTP and 2 tables at a time. I currently feel a little bored about playing 2 and am thinking about possibly adding 2 more to increase my hourly and hopefully not have much, if any of a reduction in ROI.  Looking forward to hearing from people.X

cog dissonance's picture
Reg speed or turbo I'm happy

Reg speed or turbo I'm happy 2 tabling.ST I'm now trying to single table, I think the clues are much finer at ST and if you multi-table vs diff opps you miss them. I would 2 table if I knew the game of one opp and only had to really focus on the second table.II think if you want to improve your hourly you need to move up rather than add more tables. 

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1

adam266's picture
I 2 table the 55 turbo on

I 2 table the 55 turbo on stars.Totally agree with cog that it is way better to move up than to play more than 2 tables. Some (few) players do it/can it, but many can't, as evident by the amount of times I am playing a multitabling (3+) reg who is breakeven or worse. Good money is made at high stakes, not by large multitabling of low stakesThere is plenty of information to take in, study, and adjust to against 2 villains, if you are bored I suggest you focus on your opponents more. If I ever find myself bored, I know it is because I am not focusing properly. Tbh I can't absorb 100% the information, timing, game flow etc with 2 tables, however it is a minimal problem and the advantages of 2 tabling greater outweigh 1 tabling. However, once you get to 3 tabling+, imo, the disadvantages weigh out the positives for the vast majority of people. 


Hehasrisen's picture
I agree with Cog. I was

I agree with Cog. I was actually gonna ask why you don't focus on learning and moving up in stakes as oppose to trying to add more tables?

RyPac13's picture
If you're bored with two

If you're bored with two tables you're not doing it right! (I said that in a video I think).There's way too much room to adjust to gain more edge, that if your play is very similar or boring and you're not absolutely crushing, it means you're not actively finding ways to improve your game and you're just not playing to your potential.FWIW, I never find players with maximum winrates at their level (or rather, the best winrates at their level) complaining of being bored.  Guys like Mientjueh, h2olga and Livb have single tabled at different levels without feeling bored, and they are much closer to playing perfect than almost anybody else in this game.

Xerxes's picture
Thanks for the great

Thanks for the great advice.I recently just got into HUSNGs.  In the past have mainly mass multitabled fullring cash, 9 mans, DoNs, and MTTs so its quite a change.  With that was also use to accumulating FFPs/FTP points pretty fast.  I feel I can probably make more $ through HUSNGs.Im pretty overrolled for 11s right now so I guess ill grind away at some 23s 2 tables at a time for a bit to get a good sample size and re-evaluate from there. And obviously sticking to 2 tables will help me better adjust and improve my gameplay.

lulzJFX's picture
Hope I'm not hijacking the

Hope I'm not hijacking the thread too much, but my question fits in, I guess.Do you think that "learning" to 2table is a great advantage? Or should I just keep on 1tabling?

RyPac13's picture
It can be an advantage.  I

It can be an advantage.  I think it's more for higher ROI guys or guys that are very mentally stable.I can see the advantages of a guy like Ricestud playing tons of tables.  He takes his edge, plays a ton of volume and if he tilts, it certainly doesn't keep him from doing very well.  There are other guys you can name just like him.On the other hand, there are guys that play very low and struggle, and I'd never recommend anybody that isn't consistently winning to try multi tabling.  Nor would I worry about hourly too much until you reach the $33+ levels at least.  Learning is just too important, so doing whatever makes you learn the fastest (usually single tabling) is most often the correct play.Plus once you become more experienced and confident in your decision making, things like adding 2-3 tables become much more natural and easy.Think of it this way, imagine instead of poker each table was a series of math problems.  If the problems were mostly 1 + 1, you could have dozens of these tables up at once.  Now if the problems were 45/9, you could still have many tables up, but not as many.  Now think of longer equations and problems, tougher, advanced stuff.  At a certain point you'll need all your attention focused on just one or two tables in order to fully utilize your decision making abilities and "break even" (assuming even wagers on each problem) on the questions.Multi tabling heads up sngs is kind of like that.  The easier and quicker you can find the correct decision, the faster you can move onto the other table and make a decision.  Now, there's always some loss in read development, but again, if you can easily and quickly figure out what to do when you face a decision, you can quickly pay attention to other tables you have up and you will miss less.There's still plenty of variation between players.  Some players that are very good have told me they hate the idea of playing 3+ tables.  Other guys fire up 4-6 tables and still dominate.

Nomboo's picture
2 table

I have been 2 tabling the $23 FT turbos lately, I feel very comfortable doing it.

hdecombles's picture
 Rypac, I have just started

 Rypac,I have just started playing HUSNG again, after having played break-evenly 6max and HU CG. My goal is simply to learn a little bit and progress, I am not focused on ROI or hourly. My problem is that as I have a job, I can only play 1 hour per day. I think that if I could play 3 to 5 hours a day, the best way to learn would be to 1-table. But with 1 hour only, playing turbos on PS, I am not that sure, as I don't get that many hands/day :- 1-tabling : I will play around 6 games per day but be able to concentrate on villain.- 2-tabling : 12 games/day so more situations but obv much less reads.So basically, what is better for me if I am only interested in progressing the fastest possible with a time constraint : more focus or more volume ?

kaiserzozz's picture
Hi combles, if you are in a

Hi combles,if you are in a learning phase I strongly recommend to single-table. You can learn much more than multitabling.

RyPac13's picture
I would recommend the 1 table

I would recommend the 1 table route still.It's basically the same for people with not a lot of time versus a lot of time.  It just means you will not progress as fast as you would if you could play more.  There's no easy short cut to get the same amount of experience from 1 hour as you would 3-4 hours.

bonafontz's picture
You should definitely

You should definitely single-tabling till you reach the 50-100s. The main point of multi-tabling is to increase your hourly. However, what you are saying is that you want to progress so single-tabling is without any doubt the way to go here. Moreover, once you play a lot of games and are confident that you are beating the 50s for a big enough simple, you can start and think about multi-tabling. After awhile, some spots are going to be very common for you and therefore, the decisions time required to make good decisions on each table is going to decrease dramatically. For now, in order to progress, every single decision you make should be a result of a long and thoughtful process and this is way easier to achieve on a single table.I don't remember who said that (one of the coach here) but I think it resumes quite well the point I am trying to make. If you single table now, in one year from now, you could be 2-3 tabling the 100s. If you start to multi-tabling now...you could still be stuck multi-tabling the 20s (or something like that).Cheers!Edit: I just realised this thread is fairly long (I thought it was a single question with one reply) so if I repeated some stuff similar to other members..just ignore me :P

hdecombles's picture
Thanks for all the advices

Thanks for all the advices guys.

RyPac13's picture
Everything you repeated was

Everything you repeated was worth repeating bonafontz, nice post.