I have a huge sample of this villain. Can u help me to find the best exploit vs this guy. with ranges and so one.
im new in husngs so if u have any tip which stat is also good and i forget just tell me i look for it then. thanks all
open sb
17-30 33
12-18 35
7-13 35
0-8 42
limp preflop
17-30 30
12-18 22
7-13 22
0-8 19
limp/f vs nonai vs ai
17-30 24 79
12-18 40 77
7-13 22 70
0-8 / 47
fold2 preflop 3bet 50
17-30 65
12-18 61
7-13 59
0-8 57
3bet 3bet pf nonai ai
17-30 6 12
12-18 3 18
7-13 23
4-8bb 24
iso raise limper nai isoshow
17-30 18 7
12-18 9 13
7-13 9 22
fold cbet limp pot flop turn 40 42
bet limped pot flop 42
oh sry for doublepost im not sure if this is the right supforum if its wrong sry , so one admin can change it pls