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RRReyeMMM's picture
How to play KQ 15bb deep

I have a question how to play KQ when blinds are 100/50 against tight-aggresive thinking player and our stacks are like 1500-1500?I am in position so i think that is better  just call because if I minraise and he show then I am 80% of the time behind so I should fold then?But if I just call him than he probably show with a wider range cause I have aggresive image and my call looks weak?Also he can check and I can win some chips post flop...Or is it better just show that hand 15bb deep?

maraboo's picture

1RST/ Sorry for bad enflish cause i'm a french guy..i studied recently most of the Mersenneary vids on superturbos and (apologizes if i understood him bad...) then, the answer  might be obvious..RD/RV are both Sklansky AND nash shoves by a wide margin but we must do better than just shove it for an average 1BB gain...I suppose those hands are near PERFECT to MINRAISE with intending of course to calling a shove...In fact it's a case of inducing shove by worst/dominated hands  (R2s+...R6+...D10/D6+..V6+..106s+...V10+...10-9,98 etc etc..) that are still numbrous at this stack's depht .Mers gave complete explanations and details basically for  12BB deep in one of his vids and i think RD is still OK for the pretty same reasons at 15BB...

RyPac13's picture
Maraboo makes good points on

Maraboo makes good points on why a minraise is often better than a shove.You can calculate your opponent's estimated range if you have that sort of read and figure out how committed you are with KQ, but I'd guess vs all but the most tight opponents you'll be calling a shove, even if their range has over 50% equity against KQ.A limp might make sense as well, but I think you want some reads to go along with it.  If an opponent is already folding their BB to a minraise, limping for flop fold equity doesn't look to be any extra benefit vs minraising.

RRReyeMMM's picture
Wow thank you guys I def.

Wow thank you guys I def. need to work on my endgame because that looks so hard and easiest way for me will be next time just fold that hand:)Problem was that I showed 2 times and minraise 4 times in a row against villain and I guessed little frustration on his side too, so I minraise he show and I called him:(He had AK  

qattack's picture
Especially in the endgame,

Especially in the endgame, you cannot be "results oriented".If you are playing correctly, the stacks are still so short that you will be getting a given hand in behind. It seems like if you end up going allin with a hand like KQo and he shows you AKo that maybe you did not play that hand correctly, but this is the variance and deception of holdem, and it's a big reason why there are so many fish.