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Charles Hawk's picture
HSR weekly report #18: Ike Haxton and Dan Colman owned, while SkaiWalkurrr had second bad week in a row

Winners combined for $160,000; losers - for $120,500

Richard "chadders0" Chadwick - is healing fast

Last week he was looking: LIKE THIS Yesterday he posted new photo in Facebook:

He even sat down to play very decent sample of 492 games.

Biggest downswing from +$4,603 (Game 247) to -$14,975 (Game 319).


Ike Haxton - week's winner!

If you missed Isaac's hand pack, we posted 8 days ago, CLICK HERE

He played $5,000 and $2,000 Turbos only.

Yesterday he hit the halfway point in his SNE grind.


Daniel "mrGR33N13/riyyc225" Colman - 8.1% ROI!

After last week's downswing, when lost $18,000, he recovered nicely, winning more than $39,000. He paid $8,078 in rake, had 11 winning streak, and 9 losing.

Adam "v2the3/vtothe3" Sykes

Adam's upswing continues since I started railing him on March 31, 2013.

This week

Allan “Sifosis” Baekke

Incredidble run - even +91 his buy-ins in 1058 games sample. It is his fifth profitable week in a row. He is probably most stable husng player, although he plays bit lower limits than our most popular players: $100-$500.

More winners

WhatIsICM won $10,315 after 650 games; Leon "flippetyflop" Louis won $9,428 after 639 games; Olivier "Adonis112/livb112" Busquet won $8,276 after 420 games; Eric2441989 won $8,180 after 604 games; Grayson “spacegravy” Physioc $1,447 after 329 games;

Rachid "SkaiWalkurrr" Ben Cherif - lost the most second time in a row

He played only 276 games, but managed to lost huge: -$51,937. His actual losses can be ever bigger, because he played 13 games against Isaac Haxton, which could be together with a sidebets. He lost -$44,433 to him. However stats shows that counting from the beginning of 2013 Skai is up against Isaac for $24,685 after 275 games

Last week he lost about $20,000 after 149 games.

Dominik "mad_domonox" Bosnjak: 50 buy-ins under EV

Short comment

Running bad, playing bad. :(

And pretty unfortunate EV graph

Other losers

Johannes "Jossel2008/JosselTheKiller" Meyer: -$10,127 after 160 games; Matej "mtvdeuem" Cepon: -$8,524 after 1112 games; Zak "BOOMF/ZakWray" Wray: -$7,892 after 447 games; Leon "Fishenzon" Vichman: -$6,659 after 97 games; caaaamel: -$1,735 after 222 games;


Hand packs from last week

1) Dominik "mad_domonox" Bosnjak hand pack (+Photos; +Answers)

2) Olivier "Adonis112/livb112" Busquet hand pack (+PHOTOS; +DID YOU KNOW FACTS; +ABOUT HELIO TYF)

3) 1,000 in the pot with SkaiWalkurrr (+GRAPH +STATS;+RECENT DOWNSWING)

4) REG WARS: FisFarfar, Jossel2008, do it buddy, Berndsen12, ""0PIGGYBANK"", hu_mafia, mtvdeuem, Lotte Lenya (+PHOTOS)

Holdenper's picture
There is a mistake in the

There is a mistake in the report...
After that pic the biggest winner is obv Adam:D