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ImGen1us's picture
Hu hyper Shakystrator and color coding

Hi everyone just quick question about shaky and color coding also.

- If there is some sharky user out there could you please share you color coding (like red=good reg purple= fish etc..) 

- Also do you think sharky can be good low stakes? (15$ and under) I already have table ninja 1 (cannot configure well TN2 so maybe its useless for me..

- What about the speed time it register? I see some guys higher stakes using it and it seem hell fast when a fish sitin some auto reg this one

- Can we pay the difference if we become 30-60$ player?

Thanks for all info

Barrin's picture
I would recommend that you

I would recommend that you try to sign up for sharkystrator with the promo code of cog dissonance. Paul then likely will help you with a lot of questions and in addition he is a good 'line' to Marko.
If it pays out or not on the $15 level is really a question of your volume. If you pay a 50 games a month it probably does not.
The color coding is all yours. I would recommend that you use more colours trough...like, orange for good reg and red for very strong reg. It does not matter that much for HU sng, because you only face one player, but if you play 6 or 9max SNG for example, the math behind the different colors can make a huge difference.


ImGen1us's picture
Ok yeah good to know for Paul

Ok yeah good to know for Paul (cog) got good contact with Marko from skarky. I just check this actually gonna wait a bit and see for color coding i will try to make something really good and easy to use with couple useful info like:
Very Strong Reg Avoid (-ev)
Good Reg (0ev playing those)
Breakeven Reg (should fine a way to beat them if some rematch me)
Bad Reg (people putting volume thinking they are good at hu hyper)
Fish (this one could go from fish to bad reg since we dont know is volume etc when playing 1 match)
Is speed time to register really as fast as like fish sitting in at 60 and just auto reg because you have code him and on top of priority for skarky?

Dont Let Variance Affect You!

Barrin's picture
First of all you might wanna

First of all you might wanna realize that just because someone is a reg does not mean that he cannot be a fish. A regular is someone who puts in some kind of volume. You should not make a difference between a regular with a -5% roi and a 'fish' with a -5% roi.
The issue with sharkystrator is that it is not necessary to have it, but has been become mandatory. If your competition is using sharky you are at a disadvantage if you not use it. Ph33r0x explained this well in a thread on 2+2, after Marko banned him from using sharky. Ph33r0x than was at a huge disadvantage compared to other regulars and while he received a lot of "silent" support, not a single regular who made a living out of playing poker, did dare to support him in this public thread, because they all feared that Marko could ban them from Sharky as well.
That is also a good pice of advice: do not offend or annoy Marko.


ImGen1us's picture
He got ban because of this?

He got ban because of this? Yes i understand the fact of not necessary but since people have it you almost need it because your starting behind same for a HUD. Thanks for comment.

Dont Let Variance Affect You!

evaver's picture
dont bother with sharky

dont bother with sharky before 30$.
You should be able to play 75% of ppl before these limits +ev anyway, and it wont harm you if every once in a while u get to battle some "reg".

Barrin's picture
Sharky merly costs $35 for a

Sharky merly costs $35 for a 6 month period for the <$30 bi, that is nothing. Even if you get sharky, you will have to battle regs...because, how would you know who is a regular and who isn't?
Intentionally battle regs without any good reason is just stupid.
