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ibavly's picture
HU SNG reg thread

Too...much...2p2...withdrawal let's see if we can at least move some of the discussion here who's hot, who's not?

ibavly's picture
Anybody play with

Anybody play with norkotiks? He sits both my lobbies, after the first match times out on me, seems apologetic in the other chat, and then takes nearly all the rematch time after that match.Blocked on SS, so I have no clue if he is a reg I need to hunt down or some rando fish to laugh at.

ibavly's picture
Also apparently this forum

Also apparently this forum does not count unique views. So I can add 20 views in about as many seconds. No reason that this should be so entertaining.

Antagonistical's picture
Such a sick idea, thankyou

Such a sick idea, thankyou for this thread.Anyone else realised with the 2p2 outage just how much time we waste browsing a forum instead of working on our game or doing something semi-productive. It's ridiculous for myself. I was checking the forum constantly a few days ago, and even when I saw the update that it won't be back online until next week, I must still check it every 2 hours or so. Its pathetic considering what else I could be doing to be honest. 

ibavly's picture
Somehow life isn't any

Somehow life isn't any different with 2p2 down lolI still manage to waste most of my time, just now it's more weighted to skype, dominion, and the wire Narkotiks timed down on me again, so I guess I have no choice but to sit every lobby he takes and decline. Can't stand people who do that stuff.

Antagonistical's picture
Yeah same, but its really

Yeah same, but its really highlighted the fact, atleast for myself.He sounds like a twat, how many tables is he playing? If hes playing 4 or more i'd be more believable about him being apologetic because he could just forget about a finished game and concentrate on the ones running. Still doesn't take long to decline though.

ibavly's picture
no clue, hidden from

no clue, hidden from searchstill no excuse to do it 3 times though

chadders0's picture
great idea now we just need

great ideanow we just need to get everyone to reaslie its here


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ibavly's picture
woah who flipped this thread

woah who flipped this thread upside down?

RyPac13's picture
Well, for me it's a bit

Well, for me it's a bit different. I usually have to mod two forums, follow up a bunch of PMs, check a bunch of threads and so on (though most of that is related to HUSNG.com in a direct or indirect way). So without 2p2, I've managed to find time to take a few more things on my schedule daily, but we also lose a lot of valuable links/traffic/resources on 2p2 (we link to a ton of 2p2 threads and vice versa, all that is dead at the moment). Hopefully it's back up soon, 2p2 is great for staying on top of poker industry news, for doing little background checks on new poker rooms, issues within the community and for a variety of other valuable uses. Though I must admit, the first four days were great. I had a rare back to back to back to back family stuff going on the first four days so the downtime allowed me to not get too behind on my schedule.Oh wow, stuff is upside down!Don't worry, the webmaster is working on a few things and this was probably a forum update that has some different defaults. We'll let him mess around with it though, I don't want to risk break anything myself for something non-essential.

_dave_'s picture
I really miss 2+2! I do find

I really miss 2+2!I do find I have a fair bit more time, but I'm generally spending it reading worse things on the internet like /r/poker, but slightly increasing volume which is good I guess but no strat posts to read isn't helping! New update today it'll be down for another week :(  Update May 4th Today's conservative target date for the forums to come back is May 12th. The 2+2 Magazine is delayed but still coming to you soon.

coffeeyay's picture
no 2p2 is sad :(but yh kinda

no 2p2 is sad :(but yh kinda good timing, def gave me more time to get more done haha. Though i miss the 2p2 downtime it was relaxing and helpful, always got me excited about poker. 

_dave_'s picture
Lock Poker Buying CAKE?

Lol now I really miss 2p2! Clearly Lock aren't too bothered by scandal and shady past dealings, now they intend to leave Merge and take over Cake Poker? http://www.gambling911.com/poker/world-exclusive-lock-poker-acquiring-ca...http://www.pocketfives.com/articles/lock-poker-may-purchase-cake-poker-n... edit "math question" was 2+2 = ? :(

RyPac13's picture
God I hope so. There's a good

God I hope so.There's a good reason we dropped Cake and rejected Lock's affiliate offers in the past. I hope they buy Cake or go back to Cake or whatever.I have a feeling Cake won't accept a Lock casino bonus as cash though, lol.

batman's picture
I've finally installed Skype

I've finally installed Skype and got a few contacts since 2+2 went down so at least I'm starting to get some real work down.Swapping HH's is far better than just reading through forums I think :)

RyPac13's picture
I'm not so sure, though I

I'm not so sure, though I suppose it depends how often you're swapping HHs, how often you're chatting off topic and who you are talking strategy with (and also what forums you're reading and which types of hands you read and what types of questions you ask).There's more bias 1 on 1, especially in friendly situations, and the quality of information can vary greatly. Obviously if you're talking to pros privately or discussing hands publicly with good players you're doing pretty good, but if that is not the case I would definitely make sure you're making a good use of time.And you can certainly make great use of time without talking to pros or really good players in either setting. I would look for motivated players that play a lot and show a strong interest in arriving at the best decision in every spot. I would avoid players that rarely play, go off topic a lot and get stubborn about their opinions or talk about stagnant strategies as always being best (you want guys that adjust to invididual opponents, can recognize opponent tendencies and find the right strategy in specific spots vs specific opponents).

batman's picture
Yeah I started with a bit of

Yeah I started with a bit of OT discussion at first but my point was more that I'm actually thinking critically about my game (and about another's game when reviewing HH's) rather than just passively reading something. Only swapped one HH so far but it has been a good experience as the player I swapped with was a bit better than I am and helped me out with some different ways to play hands. I'm at work now so I've just got to get my head around this procrastination...

happy's picture
Looking to get some input

Looking to get some input from turbo players playing 100+how many games are you avg. per hourhow much game selection do you usehow many tablesdo you have to adjust your playing schedule becuase action is really bad at some point of the daydo you play multiple sites ?

KobyPT's picture
its looks like opr started to

its looks like opr started to hide PS players results.  sharkscope and look alikes  should be next.The high stake report here on HuSng is compromised.

_dave_'s picture
Where are the husng.com blogs

Where are the husng.com blogs these days?

RyPac13's picture
Under free > blogs, also on

Under free > blogs, also on the bottom of every page is a "recent blog posts" area.We're changing to blog.husng.com any day now, we're just waiting for the webmaster to hook it up for us. Once that transition is made, we'll make a new blog icon up at the top of the site again and we'll bring some other attention to the blogs, as they should be even bigger and more frequent (take a look at that user list, you should see most of those guys blogging once we begin). We're also going to mirror popular HUSNG blogs on blog.husng.com too, to bring attention to popular external bloggers as well in the community (we've already received permission from most of the big external bloggers).

_dave_'s picture
Under free > blogs, Aha found

Under free > blogs,Aha found them, here, thanks. also on the bottom of every page is a "recent blog posts" area.This is missing, which is what prompted me to ask. Extensive list of bloggers there, but without the "recent updates" thing I'll just wait for a few days - really can't click through all of those names to check if there's any new content! Seems there's plenty to be read on blog.husng.com though, awesome!

RyPac13's picture
On the bottom of the main

On the bottom of the main page there is no recent blog titles? "Fish on a Heater" is the most recent one for me.

RyPac13's picture
You can use this too:

You can use this too: http://www.husng.com/bloglist

_dave_'s picture
Very odd, just checked in a

Very odd, just checked in a different browser and it's there, but missing in my usual firefox, which isn't reporting any blocked content - and a quick view of the source there's nothing to suggest it would be blocked by firefox, just a missing chunk of <div>s

_dave_'s picture
update: If I log out, it

update: If I log out, it shows up in Firefox - log in again and it's gone. hopefully that's enough for your web guy to solve, strange it's just me though!

Vex's picture
Actually i can't see the

Actually i can't see the latest blog posts either. I use chrome for what's it worth

Kady's picture
+1 on not seeing latest blog

+1 on not seeing latest blog posts anymore :(

_dave_'s picture
And 2+2 is back!