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qattack's picture
HU: SNG vs. Cash Question

In a separate thread, Rypac mentioned that players who can successfully make it to 100NL or 200NL cash games can have the ability to learn to beat 5k SNGs.What stakes SNG are equivilent to the different stakes of HU cash games? My poker coach suggested that $105 SNGs are the equivilent of 50NL cash.On a side note, it seems to me that if they are equivilent, then the rake at 50NL is much worse than the rake in a $105 SNG.

bubi's picture
Rypac did not say 100NL or

Rypac did not say 100NL or 200NL but rather 100-200NL otherwise known as 20000NL , which is one of the highest stakes for cash and the equivalent of 5k sngs in quality of players and thinking required.50NL has a lot more fish then 105 sngs IMO (just 2 days ago I was scouting the cash tables a bit and witnessed the following hand : 2 guys with double stacks battle on a 50NL table, the SB open shoves for 200BBs, the BB after a short thinking calls it off with 67s!!!!!!, SB turns over 45o!!!!! pair of 6s takes down the $200 pot :-)))

qattack's picture
Haha, OK that explains things

Haha, OK that explains things a bit...I haven't previously played much HU-definitely not with correct strategy.So skill levels aside, what SNG stakes are equivilent to 50NL...I mean in terms of risk and reward?

RyPac13's picture
bubi is correct about the 5k

bubi is correct about the 5k comment.For your 50NL = question, I would say the $88s on Full Tilt are as close as you can get.  Otherwise perhaps $100s. In reality the answer is "which one are you better?" which has a lot to do with your skills deep stacked vs short stacked, your ability to play volume (or not).

dzikijohnny's picture

 Found this great post on 2+2   Insane_Steve Pooh-Bah     Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: spiting 2009 Posts: 4,670 Re: ***** Beginner's Questions Thread ***** Quote:

Originally Posted by skweek  the most profitable between:2 tables husng 100$ (30 per days)2 tables nl100 hu nl cash game?

Ok, assuming that you can play 10 HUSNGs per hour and 400 hands of cash per hour, that's about 1200 hands in the time it'd take to play 30 HUSNGs.It depends on your relative winrates for each game. Let's say you win, on average, 58% of your SNGs that you play. You'll average $330 a day for your 3 hour session, meaning you have to make $110/hr or 27.5 BB/100 hands to make more at cash. Here's a small table of win percents at $105 reg speed HUSNG and their equivalent winates at 100 NLHE under these assumptions:53%: 2.5BB/100, you make $10/hr54%: 7.5BB/100, you make $30/hr55%: 12.5BB/100, you make $50/hr56%: 17.5BB/100, you make $70/hr57%: 22.5BB/100, you make $90/hr58%: 27.5 BB/100, you make $110/hrIn general, it depends on your relative winrates. If you make 10BB/100 at cash, you need to win more than 54.5% of your HUSNGs to make SNG better, for example. 

qattack's picture
Ah, ThanX, I could have

Ah, ThanX, I could have calculated all this, by why do work when I can be lazy!!?? :)