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soulouri's picture
HU Variance / Hu vs other SNG

Hey all,

I just wanted to ask about HU variance and ROI vs 45/90/180 man SNG tourneys.  Basically these last few days ive been break even on HU SNG and it's driving me insane, I am trying to break the $200 barrier playing $5 games but every time i make it to 190+ I seem to hit a wall of variance which will not let me win a flip and drop down to $160.

After 200 games of this I am beginning to go a little insane.  I love the strategy behind HU SNG but I am finding it really hard to deal with the seemingly lack of progression.  I am fully aware of leaks in my game and working hard on them, but when your lagtastic friends are doing considerably better at other SNG variations I start to question the viability of HU SNG as a BR builder.

Sorry for the whine, but all I keep hearing from other people is how HU is so -EV compared to these other poker variations and after all this break even and losing games vs people shoving crazy hands and connecting, I am starting to believe them :(




WBR's picture
HUSNG vs other SNG

Check the Sharkscope leaderboard. Top winners play HUSNG, not 9-max or other.