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JackTheShipper's picture

Hey guys, its me, JTS Im selling 80% of the HUMTT SCOOP H 700$ Im asking for some markup, i think this is fair, keep in mind last month i won the 215$ HU MTT Sunday weekly on stars (which im doing a video series about atm)on top of that thanks to sats and many mtt regs, the event will probably be softer then the 215$ weekly HU MTT is.5%=43.8$10%= 87.5$To reserve your share post here + send to jacktshipper (belgium)once ive received the money in account ill post it here to confirm,ill give updates on twitterhttps://twitter.com/#!/JackTheShipperand here is my OPR (mtt ranking site)http://www.officialpokerrankings.com/pokerstars/JacktShipper/poker/resul...The reason why i am selling shares to this, is because im currently rebuilding the roll with a challenge ive set for myself starting from 600$ on april 1.As for what happens if you dont sell 80%?If i dont sell 80% i will most likely not play, i will state it clear before the event starts here, that im not gonna play and will refund everyonealso in case i am sick, or some unforeseen circumstances come up making it so that i cant make it i will also refund everyone fully.

JackTheShipper's picture
10% sold to omgluys

10% sold to omgluys

JackTheShipper's picture
Yes, 5% is the minimum sorry

Yes, 5% is the minimum sorry for the confusion

anansi1's picture
If you win what will 5% be in

If you win what will 5% be in $$$ profit what was first last year??? 

JackTheShipper's picture
i dont know what first was

i dont know what first was last year to be honest :) right now however, there is a guarantee of 125.000$ and first is 56.250$ so 5% = 2.800$ maybe there will reg omre people tho and the guarantee will be broken, i dont know :) Id like to remind people of the structure in this HU MTT ; 15 MINUTE BLIND LEVELS100 BB DEEP STARTING STACKS I honestly believe up to a 20% roi in the early rounds is attainable IF we are lucky with the draw ;Djust think back about full tilt poker deepstack husngs had 125bb starting stacks and only 10 minutes blind levels, and there were still people with roi >17% at high stakes  

anansi1's picture
And do you have a reliable

And do you have a reliable back up internet connection?

JackTheShipper's picture
yes ;D

yes ;D

not2secure4u's picture
Is the minimum we need to

Is the minimum we need to take 5% or is that just an indication ?

mindcrushers's picture
il take 10%

il take 10%

JackTheShipper's picture
10% Sold to mindcrushers (and

10% Sold to mindcrushers (and received)10% sold to omgluys (and received) 60% left gogog!

ibavly's picture
no one has really discussed

no one has really discussed fair markup amounts in HU tourneys, this might be a good spot to do so. In order to be BE at 1.25, you need to have 25% ROI in this tourney. In fact, though, in order to justify 1.25 to be a somewhat fair price imo, you'd need at leat a 30% ROI, and probably closer to 35%. I'm inclined to say it is unlikely somebody can attain that in a $700 HUMTT. For a completely non mathematical guess at ROI, say you have a 7% ROI vs a random player. So if the game ended after the first match, you have 7% ROI.In the next round you are playing for double the money, but only get there ~50% of the time, face a better opponent on average, so the total added to your ROI goes down, let's say it adds 6%.Next round is the same thing, double the money and a tougher opponent, lets say 5%.From here on ICM becomes a significant factor, that significantly reduces the addition to ROI in each round. As well most of the completely clueless players are weeded out by now and you are far more likely to face somebody capable where your ROI is way down. So the most important round in terms of ROI are your first 3(4?).**To be clear when I say ICM I don't mean that ICM affects your play in the tourney, only that it affects the total equity up for grabs in that **round, since it is no longer double the value of the last round.obviously in a massive size HUMTT it will be different, because there are more late rounds who's smaller % has to factored in, and you are still likely to match up against bad players almost the whole way. So I'd be inclined to say you need at least 10% ROI in order for this to be a borderline fair markup. Pretty much everything I wrote above though was made up so I'd be happy for someone to show me something else. Also I think you should say that you are freerolling the tourney, since you don't say your MU amount a lot of people will miss that, and I think it can be a significant factor in a lot of people's minds.

RyPac13's picture
I heard a pro say something

I heard a pro say something about a much higher tournament ROI being possible than has been discussed here* when I showed him the link, but I didn't verify it and not sure how to calculate it off hand in an efficient manner. Will have someone with more knowledge take a look though.FWIW, it was either skilled sox or mientjeuh, but they staked me 100% for 80% in a 1k or 2k hu mtt a couple of years back. Maybe it was -EV for them too, but given one of the most successful HUSNG guys at the time was doing it, probably not too absurd.Also, I think stacks probably start deeper and rounds are longer, and probably tons of satellites, so a 10%+ ROI in the earlier rounds can be quite reasonable (assuming the tournament is as soft or softer than the Sunday $215, which is certainly possible given the # of satellites and non heads up guys probably playing in a SCOOP event).Just some thoughts, but I'm interested to see some more hard #s myself.*Edited this in bc it sounded like I was saying the tournament ROI is less not more than what is being talked about... I just meant "A pro told me that you can get a much higher ROI in this mtt than what you're talking about here, but I didn't verify his statement with calculations so I would just consider it one respected pro's opinion"

tlasko's picture
I take 10%

I take 10%My nick PS is IAMPOKER11

happy's picture
is there alternatives for

is there alternatives for sending you money?. for people who play from countries where transfers are not allowed through the pokerstars client

JackTheShipper's picture
not really to be honest,

not really to be honest, could get a friend to send me and send him some MB possibly?  

JackTheShipper's picture
I take 10% My nick PS is

I take 10% My nick PS is IAMPOKER11  [[ BOOKED AND RECEIVED ON STARS ]] 50% Left

tlasko's picture


JackTheShipper's picture
10% sold to MRBAMBOCHA   only

10% sold to MRBAMBOCHA only 40% LEFT Total list of people who got shares so far10% sold to omgluys10% sold to MRBAMBOCHA10% Sold to mindcrushers10% sold to IAMPOKER11 All of these people i have received the money for and are officially booked only 40% shares left!! gogogog 

Nomboo's picture
what is your stars ID

what is your stars ID Jack? I am interested in 10% anyways If someone is interested in staking me 100% for the $215 humtt, I will give back 90%.

JackTheShipper's picture
5% Sold to Daheyst   only 35%

5% Sold to Daheyst only 35% LEFT   Total list of people who got shares so far5% Daheyst 10% sold to omgluys 10% sold to MRBAMBOCHA 10% Sold to mindcrushers 10% sold to IAMPOKER11   All of these people i have received the money for and are officially booked   only 35% shares left!! gogogog  

JackTheShipper's picture
stars id is jacktshipper

stars id is jacktshipper tought it was known sorry for not mentioning it ^^

ohly's picture
i think this offer is

i think this offer is alright.i made some assumptions to roughly approximate the winrate he needs:let's say there are exactly 64 people playing and he has an unknown winrate WR until he reaches semi final, where all players are of equal skill or the money will just be evenly chopped. then the ev of someone taking 10% is:EV= -87.5+WR^4*670*64/4.this means that he needs about 53.5% average winrate in the first 4 rounds for the buyers to break even.what still keeps me back from buying action is that i have no clue about his deepstack game, he might already be mindnumb from 20 tabling hyper turbos :D

JackTheShipper's picture
yeah i definitely think its

yeah i definitely think its fine, if it wasnt reasonable, i wouldnt ask this much.Thanks for doing the math tho ^^ About my deepstack game, i obv cant retrack the stats i had way back when, but on ftp i did play 100s -500s Deep stack HUSNGs 125bbs starting blinds and 8 or 10 minute levels i think? for a main game for about 5-6 months, before i jumped into STs. so i can play a little bit deep :) fwiw i honestly believe with some luck of the draw 60% WR is possible in SOME rounds, not sure how that balances out tho, but because i assume a larger part of the field to be worse then me, then to be better by me, should be fine .

anansi1's picture
I want 5%  

I want 5% 

JackTheShipper's picture
are you noning?   I received

are you noning? I received 5% payment from noning booked ^^ 30% left guys, and 1 day left :)

multinova's picture
5% please

ill take 5% stake as a fellow country man :) 

JackTheShipper's picture
booked 25% left ;)   5%

booked 25% left ;) 5% received and confirmed for multinova 25% left

JackTheShipper's picture
Multinova, i cant pm you back

Multinova, i cant pm you back trough this site (no clue why its not working)but im from Ghent :) and idd vlaams. feel free to add me on skype (everyone who bought shares for that matter) skype = fastcolt

JackTheShipper's picture
Ok to summarize this is how

Ok to summarize this is how it is so far Multinova 5%Noning 5%Daheyst 5%mrbambocha47 10%IAMPOKER11 10%MindCrushers 10%OmgLuys 10% for a total of 55% sold and 25% left ONLY 25% LEFT and LESS THEN 25 HOURS UNTILL IT STARTS

anansi1's picture
Yes Im noning

Yes Im noning

JackTheShipper's picture
25% left!! and its tonight

25% left!! and its tonight !!!

JackTheShipper's picture
wowkka bought 10%   Multinova

wowkka bought 10% Multinova 5% Noning 5% Daheyst 5% mrbambocha47 10% IAMPOKER11 10% MindCrushers 10% OmgLuys 10% Wowkka 10%  for a total of 65% sold and 15% left    

JackTheShipper's picture
egor1987 bought the remaining

egor1987 bought the remaining 15% ITS NOW SOLD OUT ! Multinova 5% Noning 5% Daheyst 5% mrbambocha47 10% IAMPOKER11 10% MindCrushers 10% OmgLuys 10% Wowkka 10%egor1987 15%

JackTheShipper's picture
Dont forget, probably easiest

Dont forget, probably easiest if you follow on twitter where i will give updates because i dont want to be on skype during the mtt i eralised ^^ https://twitter.com/#!/JackTheShipper

batman's picture
Ha I saw this thread at work

Ha I saw this thread at work and was going to grab a slice now I'm back....maybe next time :)

JackTheShipper's picture
yeah better luck next time ;D

yeah better luck next time ;D

JackTheShipper's picture
Ok guys, im gonna do my

Ok guys, im gonna do my PRE-MTT rituals, and start grinding, i wont be on skype, but like said before, ill try and update twitter, with hands (possibly) and how im doing. I WONT BE ON SKYPE AND ILL DEFINITELY BE PLAYING IT

anansi1's picture
I believe in you I wish you

I believe in youI wish you neutral ev and A-game or ascended A-gamegogogogogo It's all you really need right

JackTheShipper's picture
hey guys, quick update

hey guys, quick update because if inished my games rather quick , but please follow twitter, because i might not have this luxury every round ;) I got KidPoker AKA DANIEL NEGREANU in first round of the 700$ HU scoop, and i WON :D so we are on to round 2, 2 more wins and $$$ ;) https://twitter.com/#!/JackTheShipperhttps://twitter.com/#!/JackTheShipper

RyPac13's picture
Nice work taking out DN.

Nice work taking out DN. Unlucky draw.

JackTheShipper's picture
Fuck the draw, just crush obv

Fuck the draw, just crush obv ^^

JackTheShipper's picture
weird tweet by DN one hour

weird tweet by DN one hour ago; Daniel Negreanu ‏ @RealKidPoker Good #SCOOP2012 day so far. Won 3 of my 3 HU matches and 3/56 in the 5 card draw event. Been a while since I played online # I mean, im pretty sure he didnt win 3 out of 3 matches ;D

RyPac13's picture
He might mean side hu games

He might mean side hu games he was playing or a second chance hu mtt or some other hu mtt? Not sure.

JackTheShipper's picture

FUCK THE DRAW FUCK THE HATERSFUCK THE NOOBS COMPLAINING ABOUT MARKUP BECAUSE WE ARE IN THE MONEYweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee played vs bakudranski in the bubble round, most tense game so far yet, lots of crazy dynamics, and i had to make a ton of moves which some felt a little bit uncomfortable, really gg bakudranski

JackTheShipper's picture
busted 4th round :( in 107th

busted 4th round :( in 107th place for 1381.40 Sending now, please confirm here when youve received ^^5%= 69.07$10%= 138.14$15%= 207.21Multinova  SENT Noning SENT Daheyst Sent mrbambocha47 Sent IAMPOKER11 Sent MindCrushers Sent OmgLuys Sent Wowkka Sent egor1987 Sent

tlasko's picture
I received  gg  IAMPOKER11  

I received gg IAMPOKER11 

busted_draw's picture
gg jack. One question.Why are

gg jack.One question.Why are you annoyed for those who told you about the MU?Its an open market and anyone can say/advise you if he thinks the MU is too high,before he buys.

RyPac13's picture
Human emotion. When somebody

Human emotion.When somebody tells you you can't do something or it's a bad deal and the result is the opposite (regardless if it was a good point, truth, taken out of context, etc.), there's often an emotional charge when you prove them wrong (or appear to).History if filled with interesting stories that at the root are probably motivated by pretty narrow and rare events (rather than the boring old, consistent turn of the wheel, grind, etc.).When 2p2 goes back on, read the thread about Jim McManus selling 2-1 markup for WSOP in the News, Views and Gossip forum. I mentioned Stevebets name as somebody who was charging 2-1 markup in a $25k high roller event off hand in that thread. Stevebets actually came into the thread and talked about it in hindsight as if he legitimately thinks it was a good deal at the time, simply bc he had won that event the year before (a 25k, 16 or 32 man heads up MTT facing players like Galfond, Durrr and Livb... 2-1 markup, OK). So yea, delusion or ego comes into play too, emotion, whatever you want to say.Anyways, never be surprised that somebody says "SEE" if you tell them they can't or shouldn't do something and they do it.As for the markup, I still don't know if it was a good or bad or even type of deal. Seems fair game to me that anybody can sell anything for whatever cost and anybody else can ask questions about that too.

JackTheShipper's picture
" gg jack. One question.Why

"gg jack. One question.Why are you annoyed for those who told you about the MU?Its an open market and anyone can say/advise you if he thinks the MU is too high,before he buys." haha i was just kidding and not annoyed, i completely understand this (open market) I just felt like making big drama post because i made the money and was quite happy ^^ Really had the nut worst draw, bakudranski, mr krout and daniel negreanu, 2 hu regs, and a man with a lifetime of experience in poker + often playing 5K$ HUSNGs.But really i definitely was not annoyed, and was meant as a joke to be honest, hope it didnt come off the wrong way ^^ 

multinova's picture

received .. thanks !