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zlatokop's picture
HUSNG shootout tournaments collusion

Hi guys, I have tried to find out more informations about these tournaments, but I didnt find anything actual.

I would like to know whether collusion on husng shootouts on ps is allowed or not.

We are two friends and we wanna start playing shootouts on stars as team and would like to know your opinions about that



Dipl.Komp.'s picture
collusion is not only bad

collusion is not only bad etiquette, it will end in your accounts being frozen if evidence suggests it. and rightly so, i might add. you should stop thinking about it immediately. collusion is sth that you just do not do. not just because it is not allowed, but because it is also morally unacceptable.

zlatokop's picture
why do you think it is bad

why do you think it is bad etiquette ? i am not planing to share hh or database with my friend so i dont see nothing morally unacceptable? maybe im wrong so I would like to know your opinion why do you think that way ?

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
collusion is a fancy word for

collusion is a fancy word for cheating. if people play together to increase their individual chances of maximizing their ROI, they have an edge on players acting individually.


mind you there is a form of "collusion" that is accepted. say you have 3 players in a hand and one is all in preflop. the 2 players not being all in might for strategical reasons decide to check the hand down to maximize the chances of the 3rd player being knocked out (without talking about it of course. it´s a silent agreement).


well, maybe you chose a wrong term. tell me how you plan to collude.

RyPac13's picture
2 players used to be able to

2 players used to be able to work as a team in 4 man tournaments, since you can't statistically gain any edge from it.

However, over the years, many players (often losing players) complained to Stars about these, and despite Stars constantly explaining with calculations that no extra edge was possible, eventually the complaints were enough to warrant Stars no longer allowing 4 man teams.

So, it's not really collusion in the sense that you can gain an edge, but it is now against the rules, so I would not recommend doing it.

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
2 players used to be able to

2 players used to be able to work as a team in 4 man tournaments, since you can't statistically gain any edge from it.


the only way of properly colluding in a heads up tourney i can imagine out of the top of my head is to share screens and discuss hands with each other while playing. i don´t know, maybe there are other possibilities...

RyPac13's picture
Yea, of course, which is

Yea, of course, which is illegal in any heads up tournament.

By teams, I just mean two guys that split action by going all in preflop when they were matched up.

Back in the day, at least for me, but also many others, it was a way to get some extra action (some degen weaker regs played these while avoiding regs generally in 2 man games, and also you got some bad players that would play these too sometimes).