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thepuminator's picture
husng tournament?

Is there another husng tournament in the works for this month by any chance?

RyPac13's picture
Yes, I'm shooting for

Yes, I'm shooting for Saturday, January 29th in the early afternoon for US time (which is late evening Euro time).  That should allow most of US-Europe users to play. $5 buyin, 40bb stacks again, shouldn't last more than 1-2 hours, depending on signups (but if we have less than 100 people I don't see it going over 2 hours).There will be a few memberships rewarded to members that finish in the top X, and probably some knockout leakfinder/coaching type prizes too for people that beat the coaches.Details will be put on this site, 2p2, our newsletter and a few other spots online when it's close to that time.  I'm awaiting confirmation from Stars to set this up for us, then will probably wait until a week before the tournament ot start spreading the word.