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nodeg's picture
Hyper 60 vs loose limper

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNPlayer1290  BBHero710  Effective Stacks: 15bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB Player1 calls 10, Hero raises to 70, Player1 raises to 140, Hero calls 70   Flop (280, 2 players)  Hero ?Villain is 86/24 with a 36% PFR from SB I've punished villain a fair amount, but due to sizing I'm fairly sure that he has a hand of some strength.  How do you play this flop?

Barewire's picture
We need to see his bet size,

We need to see his bet size, but I'm probably check/folding. We only really have six clean outs against most of the good hands in his range so if he bets half pot or larger there's not much reason to continue. 

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nodeg's picture
Ok, I was just looking at

Ok, I was just looking at this hand again while doing a review.  There's a couple of things that bug me about it.1st: pre-flop the villains 2x 3bet puts about half of his stack in the pot, so he's obviously commited.  Does this make flatting his raise kind of gross?.  2nd: post-flop any all-in situation has pot-odds of 26%, and the villain is pretty much coming with his whole range.  6 clean outs should get it in here right? 

Barewire's picture
Oh, I misread stack sizes and

Oh, I misread stack sizes and thought he had 1290, not 290. I'd make it smaller pre, 70 is huge and doesn't really seem necessary at 15bb deep, especially since we don't have a hand that wants a 3b jam or wants to stack off all flops with just overs when he limp/calls (if we have AK its totally different). It's a shitty spot once he 3bets and I'd probably just call since we're getting such a good price and we can be live a decent bit, but folding is reasonable and part of why I'd never make it this size with our hand. Misreading stacks also helped me want to misplay this flop. I'd just open jam, there's a chance he folds AK with no club and hands of that nature and you're right to point out that in almost all cases we have proper pot odds to stack off.

Check out my blog (Updated 4/10) and my coaching page!

nekrogovner's picture
A 86/24 villain obviously has

A 86/24 villain obviously has a combination of premium hands and junk in his limping range. Considering he just got short, and assuming he is somewhat competent, we could also assume that he will limp somewhat bigger frequency of good hands. For that reason, raising to 70 is a good way to hang yourself. 50-60 is fine. Also, his 3bet to 140 is so transparent. If he jammed at least he would disguise strength of his hand, but since he played it like this, its easy to get away from it preflop. Its probably hand like AK-AJ, big pocket pairs, KQ.