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olistr's picture
Hyper limp call 3x 14-16BB

I know it's different 14bb and 16bb but I am not asking what range to limp call 3x, my Q is when u limp call 14-16 BB 3x eg. T9 or JT and flop came up for T9 hand 92Jr , or for JT hand J2Kr what is my plan to do on flop like this??call cbet and give up turn ?or stack off with second pair?I know it's not that easy to generalise but basically should I stack off with mid second pair this deep?and let's say vs agro fish and vs agro reg

nekrogovner's picture
I jam J high flop anytime. I

I jam J high flop anytime. I consider jamming K high flop if I think villain is agressive and attacks limps with junk. I generally don't like limp/calling.

RyPac13's picture
I agree about limp calling, I

I agree about limp calling, I find that a more narrow type of opponent is often the only thing that leads to common limp calling situations in hyper turbos, as I'm likely minraising a lot of hands against many opponents at these stacks.But say you have a guy that has let you limp a bit, but he 3bets fairly wide.  T9 or 98 is a hand you might then limp, it flops well, you can often see the flop for just a completed limp action from the sb and minraising would often result in your opponent jamming and 98 type hands aren't really favorable for the most part minraise/calling (and MR fold is not too great either vs a wide jammer).As far as postflop play goes, it really depends on your opponent, but when you're playing a 6bb pot with 11-13bb behind, you need to be able to really narrow your opponent's range down to a lot of strength to fold 2nd pair.