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deanster's picture
Hyper Turbo first hand river decision.

Readless v an unknown at $3.50 hyper 1st hand Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero500  BBLovemoney<3500  Effective Stacks: 25bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 40, Lovemoney<3 calls 20   Flop (80, 2 players) Lovemoney<3 checks, Hero bets 40, Lovemoney<3 calls 40   Turn (160, 2 players) Lovemoney<3 checks, Hero bets 90, Lovemoney<3 raises to 180, Hero calls 90   River (520, 2 players) Lovemoney<3 goes all-in 240,  Do I have to call this? 

sadbeats's picture
 i bet bigger on the flop to

 i bet bigger on the flop to portect my hand and get value, a lot of draws are going to call, i think you should bet bigger .The raise on the turn is bad news, when villain does this at a 3.5$ game, you're almost  always behing (he made 2pairs, trips or straight) but anyway , first hand i never fold AK here lol 

STP1923's picture

That turn check/min-raise is screaming at you. Way more often then not an average player and not only will hit the turn rather than taking this line at 3.50for bluffing.Either 9J,T8,Q8,A8(less) it seems, or nuts.I think a call in that particular spot is clearly -EV without strong reads because despite that you are having nice pot odds, i think his bluff percentage there is very low.And bet bigger on flop, 3/4 on wet boards for value, even pot.cheers/

deanster's picture
sadbeats and STP1923
