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cute_babe92's picture
Hyper Turbo Video Packs to improve game



is the Hyper Turbo Video Pack von Chadders0 still up to date for today's games? I just ask because I thought about purchasing and saw it's two years old now. 

What other video packs can at the moment be recommended for hyper turbos? And what about the Coffeeyay Math Pack?

For a few weeks I've been working now with the "Crushing hyper turbo hu sng" pack from zzztitlt and phl500, but I want to do more to improve my game. At the moment I am playing the 15s. My aim is to reach the 30s within a few months and after establishing myself on this level to play the 60s with a positive ROI. 

Thanks in advance. 

RyPac13's picture
I think it is still relevant

I think it is still relevant for low to mid stakes players. However, since you bought our newest sort of comprehensive guide to the game (Crushing Hyper Turbos), going for something like Coffeeyay's Math Pack, or Hokie's Class Pack or Will Tipton's Book + Pack might be ideal. The first breaks down essential math into an easy to understand explanation (and also covers a great deal how to use poker software and how to study to improve your game). Hokie's Class has a lot of population tendency work, how to play from the first hand, how to adjust over time. And Will Tipton's book/pack has a lot more theory and technical study in the game.
Which one you choose really depends on what you're looking to learn. I really like Coffeeyay for someone who is willing to put the time in to improving their play outside of gameplay. Hokie's pack is good if you're really struggling vs unknowns and Will's book/pack is excellent for those that really love the technical side of heads up poker.

cute_babe92's picture
Thank you very much for your

Thank you very much for your answer. I think I will go for the math pack within the next weeks. 
If anyone else has ideas or hints for recommendable content for hyper hu sngs, gladly post it in this thread.