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guillaumezur's picture
Hyper Turbos Questions

hi guys, i have a lot of problems actually playing HT and i would like some advices on various points of my game that i am unhappy withT20 (25bb deep)01-Do you open shove 22 33 44 55 ?02-What is your amount when you raise a limper? (most of the time i am lost after the flop cbetting oop)03-What is your %cbet in this spot and what amount?ty in advance for any advices 

batman's picture
Yes I open shove 22-44 always

Yes I open shove 22-44 always and 55 if I don't think I have an edge post flop.  Better players will probably only open shove 22-33. I always shove low to mid PPs over a limp, raise hands that are strong but don't flop well to 70 (i.e. A8, AK) and raise hands that flop well to 60 (KQ, JT).As a general guide, cbet on any flop you normally would (ie A72r) + for value when you hit.

veck's picture
any others advices about the

any others advices about the sizing oop in BB when we raise a limp? i am a bit lost too on these spots

Barrin's picture
Readless the sizeing batman

Readless the sizeing batman mentioned is fine 25bb deep. Much more important than if you raise 25bb deep (10/20 blind level) is with what kind of hand you do it. Without a big skill edge post flop, being out of position versus an opponent you don't know you really should build pots with hands that1) are strong all ready (TT+, AQs, KQ......etc. pp).2) Can flop very strong flops (87s, low PP etc. pp)As long as you are not sure that you really can extract value from your opponent with hands out of category 2, you should check those behind.


batman's picture
Yeah sorry my sizings are for

Yeah sorry my sizings are for ~25bb stacks. I think once you get a bit shorter (say 15/30 level on Stars, 15-17bb-ish) you can raise to ~75 (2.5x) for the same effect. Once you're much shorter than this you should probably just shove or raise small to induce with your monsters imo.