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iLikeMary's picture

Hey everyone,
i really struggle with the hypers at the moment, it seems everyone is playing the same kind of strategy nowadays..
do you think the small/mid stakes are still beatable? would you recommend chadders pack?
thanks and best regards

RyPac13's picture
It can be frustrating on

It can be frustrating on first glance, because the game is played at such short stacks and with a fairly small edge. But believe me, the edge is there, there are players at all stakes doing very well.
When you look closely, you can find plenty of leaks in your opponents, plenty of strategical differences. A lot of it is doing the 3bet shoving math, finding out how to adjust more precisely against different 3bet ranges. Look at a lot of the top hyper videos (including the Chadders Pack) and get a good idea of the right hands to default 3bet, default 3bet shove, default check raise the flop with, and so on, and learn how to adjust against what you see from your opponent.
Once you have some success with doing those things, you'll start to see a lot more edge in these games, and the profitability really adds up fast when you have a bit of an edge against every opponent, with how many games you can play per hour.
Chadders pack is much more of a guide than any of our other hyper turbo packs. The Premium Pack has a wide variety of videos from many top instructors and the new pack coming out in the next 24 hours is going to be more recent hyper turbo videos from top players. But for a player starting out or struggling with low to mid stakes, the Chadders Pack is a great first step.

Pchelkin R's picture
confirmed beatable and pack

confirmed beatable and pack is good for starting out.
