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Vingadero's picture
Hypers: low Ax versus min raise at 20sh

HelloI'm having some trouble with low Ax versus min raises at 17-22bb..Calling is not that great cuz our low card dont play well..3b shove.. IMO we are too deep for that..So you guys, whats the most +EV in those situations? Thx!

RyPac13's picture
This free article should give

This free article will give you an idea of how to approach these situations, includes an example situation as well: http://www.husng.com/content/readless-ranges-what-do-20bb-deep-big-blind...This standard video should help too: http://www.husng.com/content/phmerc-3-bet-shoving-heads-up-pokerPremium members can watch this video on the subject as well: http://www.husng.com/content/mersenneary-video-17-advanced-end-game-play...