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Cardoso007's picture
[Hypers] Playing KQ and KJ OOP Readless 25-20bb deep


I have a couple of questions regarding this kind of hands, readless 25bb deep out of position. As it is, I tend to just call them but I'm thinking that's maybe too weak. So a couple of questions on that.

1) Should I treat suits and of suits equally at this stack depth?
2) Would a 3bet non-all in of all this hands (KQs, KJs, KQo, KJo) be better than flatting in terms of expectation?
3) Assuming I choose to 3bet to 90, I'd always have to be calling a 4bet all in right?

BTW a 4th question: Would it be a good idea to implement a bluff 3bet range of suited junk or, readless, I'd would be better to just fold those hands to a min raise?

Appreciate any thoughts on this. Thanks!

Cardoso007's picture


it1111's picture
1) Suited is better2) Suited

1) Suited is better

2) Suited combos  are little bit better to 3-bet, but the difference between flatting and 3-betting is not that big so  either is good.

3) Yes, that's why suited combos of those hands are better to 3-bet because with them you have the odds to call a 4-bet, and  off-suite hands are really close between calling and folding to 4-bet  so when you get 4-bet you have much tougher decision and you are more likely to make a mistake.

4) I don't like to bluff with those hands readless, wait to get some reads before bluffing.  
Hard to tell if it's better to flat with those "suited junk" hands or to fold them (different people have different definition of "suited junk"), you can try flat some of them (top part) and fold some of them (bottom part).
Almost all suited hands usually have enough odds to flat a min-raise, but the difference between flatting and folding with "suited junk" is not big so if you fold them you wont be making a real mistake.


"If you want to win, you must not lose!"

Cardoso007's picture
Thanks for your help! Really

Thanks for your help! Really appreciate it.