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STP1923's picture
HyperTurbo HUD config

Anyone can share their config for Hypers on Stars for Holdem Manager? 

cog dissonance's picture
email me and i can send you a

email me and i can send you a simple hudcogdissonance1@gmail.com

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1

STP1923's picture

Thx Cog, sent you an email.Here is my current HUD for HEM2, the config I made myself includig colours but i am pretty sure there are better hud configs out there. (I'm 2 tabling)   http://www.2shared.com/document/Jf2QKSWi/HypersHud.html

Barrin's picture
How about awesome hud? Did

How about awesome hud? Did you check it?It is what I am useing and I think it is pretty usefull. In the beginnig there may be to many stats.........but you get used to it pretty quick.


STP1923's picture

Yes, i did but it's not free :) and it's not perfect for hypers, there are ohter better configs exclusively for hypers and free(i hope). Don't get me wrong, I would buy it as I bought Chadders' pack but i don't think is worth it at the moment. Waiting for Cog's answer.I see that the configI shared in the first post was deleted, if anyone is interested to see my Hypers config for HEM2, will share.

Barrin's picture
The choice is up to you. I am

The choice is up to you. I am just wondering; how come you know that there are special huds exclusively for hypers and don't own one? I think this is strange but then again....the normal people are our problem ;).Just add him in skype. He usually answers instantly there (you can also message him when he is marked 'aways', he usually is playing / coaching then but will answer asap).


STP1923's picture

All I said is that there may be better HUD configuration exclusively for HT not forHU in general and some of the members here might use some other configuration for their Holdem Manager. I own a HUD, I own a config too but I am just browsing possibilities.I don't have Cog's skype :/

crstn's picture
look at first post for cogs

look at first post for cogs skype 

morans350's picture
If someone has something

If someone has something along the lines of Chadders HUD that can work for PT4 or HEM2, I will pay a small fee