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czechraiser's picture
hyperturbo membership and password problems--how to get an answer?

I hope this is the correct subforum for this. I have had a subscription to the hyperturbo charts for at least four months now and my most recent payment was processed late last week. I hadn't used the page for a while and recently tried to login but was told my password was incorrect. I tried other passwords I sometimes use and none worked. I then used the forgot password link and was told an email had been sent with a new password--I checked all my email accounts (three of them) and found nothing of the sort. When I tried to use the 'contact us' link, I wrote something like the above and tried to send; i would then arrive at a page with an 'are you sure?' question but no tabs to say yes or no. I assume nothing was thus received, but it leaves me no way to get an answer to my problem as my password has now been changed; I have no way of knowing what it is; and no way of getting anything fixed. What the hell am I supposed to do?

I believe my hyperturbo subscription is under a different username than this one as I subscribed to husng's newsletter after subscribing to the charts, although maybe it is under czechraiser, I don't remember. 

Obviously this is not a strategy question, unless one thinks of it as a strategy for getting to use something one has paid for here. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would very much appreciate it. 

Thanks, Czechraiser

RyPac13's picture
Hi, I'm not sure if this one

Hi, I'm not sure if this one was taken care of last week (had a similar issue), if not, just email us, membership@husng.com and we'll sort it out for you. Thanks.