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MojaveDreams's picture
I found my game at last!

Hi guys just thought i'd introduce myself as i hope to be around for a long time!

Well its been a year and a half since i started poker and i've lost about £3000 since then mainly playing out of my roll and tilting in cash games.I decided to switch to HUsngs fulltime because i saw my graph in hem2 and i was actually doing quite well so it was a no brainer, plus it suits my aggresive play. I want to improve to be the best i can possibly be and consider my losses as just a tuition fee into poker lol.

My main weaknesses at the minute is using HUD's i downloaded coffeeyays free hem2 hud but i just cant get into making decisions based on stats :( main thing i use it for at the moment is the BB counter lol. So any tips on using HUDS? should i start with a more simple HUD?

Also whats everyones BR management for Hypers? im aiming for 50 but maybe this is too low? and what about taking shots etc?

Oh and is PT4 better for husng than hem2? seems more people have it for husng?



FlyingMachine's picture
100 BI is kinda safe at the

100 BI is kinda safe at the lower stakes, 50 BI is very agressive. If you reach 35 BI at your current stakes, you should go back one lower. I had a 80 BI downswing once with 3+% ROI, so everything is possible in these games. :D
General opinion is that PT4 with Coffeehud is the best option for playing husng's, but at the 7-15's I think it's not necessary, you can destroy these limits with hm2 and the free hud too, and you can buy PT4+Coffeehud later. I was fine with PT3+the free (and great) Polycarpus hud.

MojaveDreams's picture
Well im Busto, Tilted hard

Well im Busto, Tilted hard tried to jump up and win it back etc etc same as always lol
I've found im still a losing/breakeven over 500 games at micros (small sample but the trent looks clear)
So i have got some serious study to do before pay day
I think next month i will be playing NASH with my own adjustments depending on how tight they are. I'm ok with tilt untill my br reaches a certain low point then i go crazy :S i've been lucky more than unlucky but this will never get me anywhere so i need to STOP.
Think also if im having one of those days where everythings going wrong im just gonna turn off the laptop and come back another day, This seems the only way ill save my BR play on my good days quit on my bad
What do you guys think?
P.S im still loving this format its quick fast exciting and theres some serious potential the more popular it gets

RyPac13's picture
Good advice about PT4 and

Good advice about PT4 and CoffeeHUD from flyingmachine.
Sorry to hear that you busted your roll. You seem to identify what you need to do to have success though, so it's nice to see such honesty right after busting. Usually people blame the format, bad luck, opponents or anything except their own decisions. Great thoughts on taking a break during bad days, a good night's sleep can be all the difference at times.