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efan's picture
I want learn 25-50bb strategy

I want learn 25-50 strategy, please give me advice.Thank you

happy's picture
cog's superturbo videos are

cog's superturbo videos are good place to start 

efan's picture
I think super turbo is good

I think super turbo is good for learn under 25bbbut I want learn 25-50bbThank you for your help :)

IB_Fishing's picture
PrimordialAA has a two part

PrimordialAA has a two part series entitled 25-50 blind play. PaulIB_FishingTrying to help

RyPac13's picture
For premium users I would

For premium users I would suggest looking at Mers turbo speed videos (they will start right away at 50bb on the FTP structure) and Hokie's turbo videos (these should hit those eff. stack ranges quite a bit).For standard users, both of those guys have a few videos that probably qualify under the standard membership, and I'd add in the more popular turbo speed videos from your favorite instructors (if you have one).  Otherwise, start with one, everybody should have turbo videos at $22-115 ranges I believe.